Chapter 5 (Finale)

Start from the beginning

"And after the end of 10 days , You'll disappear from my life!"

"After the end of 10 days, I'll disappear from your life."

Kath missed her. She missed her so much that it pains her heart. She felt dejected that she couldn't find her, she didn't have the ability to heal her heart. Because her heart wasn't there with her anymore. She unwillingly and unknowingly gave her heart to Sam in one of those ten days!

Sam once said that she wasn't trying to make Kath fall for her,

"You see that's where you're getting it all wrong Doc. I'm not trying to make you fall for me! That's the farthest thing on my mind."

But despite of what she said, Sam actually made Kath fall for her. Kath had fallen for Sam in 10 days. She just didn't realize it then but now that she lost her she could feel it. Maybe that's why it was hurting Kath so bad . Because everything that falls, breaks!

Kath blamed herself for that , why she didn't say anything that night. She was moving away from her, Kath could have said something or do something to stop her. Maybe She could have resisted this heartache to even begin if she stopped Sam right then and there. Maybe Sam would have stayed. Maybe she would agree with Kath to give them another shot. Maybe Sam would love her back.

Or maybe Sam simply didn't feel the same as Kath, this is why it was so easy for her to walk away and never come back. She didn't even looked back for once while walking away from Kath!

Afterall Sam never made a move on Kath or implied anything romantic at all. She was pretty clear when said she was just trying to get both of them some good time, to make some good memories.

She succeeded by the way; but those memories were now the reason for Kath's heartache. She felt broken. How can one feel so heartbroken from a love when there wasn't any love to begin with at the very first place?

Even after all this Kath knew she couldn't dwell on those memories for long, she was realist after all. She had to move forward with her life and achieve her Goals. She had to move on.. It pained her but she knew she had to do what she had to.

Kath would remember it all as a happy experience of her life, after all Sam did give her some joyous memories and some thrilling experience.. She said she wanted to be remembered for those . Kath would respect that. If she'd never find her again, she would simply remember her for the beautiful experience she gave Kath..

Maybe this was how it was supposed to be. Maybe this was meant to be just a good experience and not a love story.. Maybe there wasn't a Love story at all.

Kath sighed!


7 months later..

Dr. Katherine was strolling down the hospital and talking with a nurse about a patient.

Her internship was over successfully and she got a job at the prestigious Hospital in L.A. She achieved her goal and was living her dream.

She joined the hospital nearly four weeks ago and already has left an impact on the people. She was known for the incredible medical skills and also for her generous and kind behavior with both the patient and the staff.

Literally everything was going perfect for Kath. But still there was a void in her heart that was yet to be filled. A dull ache that remained in her heart.


Kath tried to move on, going out with friends. Sometimes people approached her but nobody could interest her.. She sighed! That's all she could do these days. She said she would try again with her process of moving on but her heart wasn't ready. It needed time.

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