She lifted her brows, "What?"

I hesitantly bit my lip entangling my fingers together, "How would you feel about having a grandchild?" I squeezed my eyes not wanting to see her reaction nor did I want her to know anything about Jennie's past life.

"I would feel happy, Chaeyoung" Her voice was tender propelling me to open my eyes and I saw her smiling.

"How would you feel if I tell you.... If I tell you.... If I tell..." 

"Tell me what?" she yawned hiding her mouth behind her palm, "This is the most fashionable yet monotonous party..." 

"Jennie and I want to have a child..." fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I fucking said it.

She put back the glass on the table, "You what? It's only been a month! Isn't it too early and what about your relationship with her? Are you both in love now? I mean I knew it would happen but this early? Are you sure? You both must enjoy your newlywed life not think about kids..." 

I held her with both hands, "We want it, Mother. We aren't getting any younger and—"

"Stop talking like the typical mother-in-law in movies, you are my daughter. I want the best for you but... wait... did your laws force you to have—"

"No! No! Mother. We want it, and we are seeing a doctor for that..." I hate how amazingly I can lie, like I didn't even fumble on my words it's natural.

Am I a natural liar? Oh no please, forgive me, god.

She placed her hands on her mouth gasping, "And you didn't tell me?" she was being dramatic, why she's behaving like Lisa? 

Lisa should be adapting things from my mother instead my mother is adapting her expressions and reactions.

"I'm telling you now" I shrugged.

She got up, "I need a drink to talk...."

I facepalm myself until someone tapped on my shoulder causing me to be startled, "Chaeyoung!" Jisoo playfully raised her brows at me embracing me.

"Hey, Sooya..." I hugged her back looking around for Lisa as she followed my gaze. 

"She's behind you..." she tilted her chin and I curled seeing Lisa smiling, her arms crossed. 

"Looks like you gave my church mother the news" she chuckled.

I shake my head, "Don't get me started..." 

"Wait..." she strolled back, "I need a drink to talk...." She went to the bar and I sighed looking at Jisoo.

"My mother is behaving like Lisa! Like isn't she, my mother?" I asked and Jisoo laughed.

"That means she would support you in everything like Lisa..." she shrugged.

"Where is Lewis? At your parents?" I glance finding Jennie's eyes dangling me or something, is she still angry at me for dragging her here with me? 

"Yup," she nodded. "You think your plan would work?" 

"Of course... it's my plan" I sneered.

"Last time I checked it didn't work in high school" she smirked back.

I scoffed, "Shut it, it's embarrassing..."

Someone tapped on my shoulder I turned to see Jennie with a wide smile. She glanced at Jisoo taking my hand, "Excuse me for min, Jisoo..." She dragged me far alone and Jisoo lifted her brows at me so I shrugged.

"What?" I frowned as soon as I stopped behind a pillar.

She ran her hands from my shoulders to intertwine with our hands in between us closing the gap, "I'm not feeling well..." she scrunched up her face.

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