Food Poisoning

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A few months after Sophie supposedly had her surgery she was ready to start the final phase of her plan. One of Sophie's favorite items given to her by the U.A.A. was a poison ring.

Poison ring

A poison ring or pillbox ring is a type of ring with a container under the bezel or inside the bezel itself which could be used to hold poison or another substance; they became popular in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The poison ring was used either to slip poison into an enemy's food or drink.

She added some botulinum toxin into her ring and headed to the kitchen. Botulinum toxin can cause death by paralyzing muscles you need to breathe.

After some small talk with the chef, she set a plate next to Matthew's food and added the botulinum on top of the pancakes. She hoped no one noticed as it was mixed with cinnamon powder and powdered sugar.

She went to eat and a few moments later the chef was bringing Matthew his meal. About 15 minutes later she heard a scream that made a slight smile appear on her face. "SOMEONE HELP! HE CAN'T BREATHE!"

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