Chapter 7

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Ozpin: So you believe a byproduct or remnants of the Singularities you faced in the Grand Order have made it's way to Remnant?

Right now, Jaune alongside his Servants with the rest of Team JNPR tagging along. During the ride back to Beacon, Jaune and his Servants told Team (J)NPR the truth, it was a long conversation that caused Nora's brain to short circuit, but they were able to get the bigger picture and came to an agreement they will help Jaune gather the Servants and do their best to assist them. Ozpin was informed of this and he was fine with it, the truth of the Servants will be found out by his Team eventually.

Archer: Apparently so, if given the evidence of what happened in Patch. I take it we were able to sweep it under the rug?

Ozpin: Yes, James is working hard to make sure this incident is staying on close doors.

Artoria (Saber Alter): But it begs the question, if remnants of the Singularity will appear in different parts of Remnant.

Scáthach: And who knows what kind of people will use this to our advantage. I believe you know who we are talking about Ozpin.

Ozpin nods, knowing full well, Scáthach is talking about Salem.

Chiron: But we need to fight the Servants that will appear as well. Like us, we all know we were summoned here to be the Master of Jaune. But there are those that will refuse this offer and fight us, or want Jaune to prove himself to see if he is fit to be their Master.

Artoria (Saber Alter): I am an example of that.

Ozpin: We will coordinate with James and track down any Servants that appear, or do you have someone doing said task?

Karna: The Hassans are doing that job as we speak, same goes for EMIYA (Assassin). Medea will make a Spell that can help us track down their Magical Source.

Artoria (Saber): We will only need Ironwood to get the populace off our backs.

Ozpin: I'll make sure he's up for the task, and speaking of task. I believe you heard about the White Fang's Base in Mt. Glenn, right?

Jaune: Yes we have, Headmaster. From what I remember, Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces told us that the White Fang have been delivering numerous amount of Fire Dust to that location.

Ozpin: And we now know the reason why.

Ozpin presses a button as an image of a Train appears.

Ozpin: It seems the White Fang have plans to use this Train to attack Vale, possibly blow a hole in the Underground Tunnels to lead the Grimm to the City.

Ren: And what is the task you are giving us, Headmaster? Is it to stop the Grimm? Or maybe the White Fang?

Ozpin: It's a little of both. Team JNPR will deal with the Grimm, while the Servants will handle the White Fang. Ironwood will be there with his Fleet to assist you nearby, should things go wrong. But knowing your skills and abilities. That won't happen.

Chiron: We'll make sure they get back safely, Ozpin.

Archer: What of Team RWBY? The minute they hear about this operation, especially Belladonna. They will beg to go with us.

Ozpin: I tasked Oobleck to keep an eye on them. He will be there waiting for you in the Bullhead and to make sure no unnecessary interference will occur.

Archer: Good.

Jaune: Is there anything else that needs to be said, Headmaster?

Ozpin: Nope, that's all.

Jaune: Good, then we'll be off.

Beacon Academy: Landing Pad

In the Landing Pad, we can see Team JNPR heading towards the Bullhead that will take them to Mt. Glenn. The Servants who will be joining them on this task are those of the Black Faction, as well as Jeanne and Karna.

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