Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


Flames surrounded me as the familiar voice echoed around me. It has been consistently visiting me, more so whenever I sleep. Whether this was an entity or a familiar, it sure knew how to make me feel like a prey being circled by a large predator.

"You know, we've been at this for a while now." I sighed while staring into the fire surrounding me. "You sound like a broken record. You'll see me soon? How soon is too soon? What do you even look like? Are you just going to keep preoccupying my dreams every night until you actually appear? How did you even speak outside of my mind? The other ladies heard you as well." I huffed as quiet laughter echoed around me.

"You have a lot of questions, child of Aalish. She didn't ask me as much as you did." It laughed as I perked up. It knew my mom's name. "You two could pass off as twins."

"Look, how exactly do you know my mom? Are you ever going to answer my previous questions?" I inquired as the flames parted before a lion slowly walked towards me. The closer it got, the more I noticed its size. It was much larger than a normal one but now the flames that once surrounded me were now covering the lion completely almost like it was made of it.

"Do I scare you, child?" It asked as it towered over me. Standing tall, I shook my head. "Just like Aalish." It chuckled as it slowly walked around me, growing larger and larger. "I am Aalish's entity and the only reason you and those dragons were able to hear me properly was the result of the necklace. Your mother put her last bit of powers in it. So, I'm torn between you and her at this moment but soon, I'll be here." At that, it stopped circling me to stare down at me.

"What do you mean?" I found myself asking. Storrerhia had said something like that as well but I felt I knew what they meant. I just needed to hear it clearly.

"You ask too many questions, child. We'll have an interesting time together seeing as Aalish didn't teach you much of your own kind." It huffed like an annoyed child as I frowned. "I do not blame her though. Aalish did what she could to protect you from both her and that pigheaded man's family. She should've just let me eat them all alive after you were born."

"You know my father, too?" I questioned as the lion stooped down to look me in the eyes. Dark red eyes stared back at me.

"Do I know him? Child, I have had to put up with him since Aalish's greedy family wanted her to be normal and married her off to some normie. Had it not been for her sickly condition after you were married off, I would've killed them all." He confessed as I stilled in my spot. It felt like somebody had poured ice cold water onto me. "Aalish was devastated when that normie married you off to that despicable man, but it seems like you dealt with him properly. I'm proud of you, Nuri."

"Proud of me?" I asked while shaking my head. "I've lost so much because of him and I'm still seeing him in my nightmares and throughout my everyday life! I was labeled as a murderer! My father should've died in that house!" I spat out bitterly as something warm wrapped around me. Quickly looking down, I was surprised to see the tail of the entity wrapped around my body almost like it was comforting me.

"Nuri," it called while lowering itself down to lay next to me. "You've gained a lot in your time away from that normie. But, if anybody understands your pain, frustration, and traumatizing experience, it's Aalish and I. She spent every waking moment worrying about your well being only to hear that you've killed your husband and burned your father. How truly happy she was for you to finally be free." It looked back at me as I sighed. "I think it's almost time for you to wake up from your nap again. We'll be seeing much of each other very soon."

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