Intrusive thoughts indeed.

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Just minutes before.

"Hmm?" Lyra was slowly awakening from the light sleep she had downed herself to fall into after such a day, but her ears were ringing with the faint noise of running water, had she left the water running? Or maybe Brulee did? She was half tired and trying to keep her mind at ease that maybe she had. Her body raised up to a slow sitting up-position with her other rubbing the crust of sleep over her eyes, her feet moving over the ends of the bed the cold floor jerked her feet up, but she forced her feet flat upon the wood floor ' I wonder if he's returned or not?' Lyra thought, this was his bedroom, her face flushing a little bit, Lyra slowly shuffled herself towards the bathroom door, the slight noise of movement was coming from behind the other side which made her pause her tired exhaust mind was playing little tricks ' It is very late in the night, I am probably losing it a little' Lyra thought tiredly , the floor was still cold her bare feet had been comforted in warmth for so long that it was a little uncomfortable to stand.

' Maybe he won't return to the room, he seemed upset about saving me earlier he probably isn't too keen on happy to see me' Lyra sadly thought as she remembered the last face she had saw on him when she was being pulled along ' It's just an arrangement, Lyra..' her hand outstretching for the large door handle just as it pulled to a swing open, her eyes widen big with her body becoming rigid as her wide eyes made contact with Katakuri's two crimson eyes hidden under a swamping dripping scarf but even closure her eyes were to his bare muscles chest with his waist only covered with a towel ' Oh!' Her cheeks flushing red hot again ' it just got a little warm! I-I haven't seen so' Katakuri too held a warm blush under his scarf " W-what! What are you still doing up at this time?" He exclaimed, she almost couldn't even speak but she didn't wish to be such a mouse after everything " I-I-I I heard water running, I thought I had left the water running" Katakuri raised a brow, he couldn't tell if that was an actual means of her but he wasn't going to pry at the moment he could already feel the weary feeling from the wet scarf " I don't have time for this, if you'll excuse me" He tried to move around her, Which Lyra took a few steps back, catching the back heel of her long dressing " Ah!" Lyra gasped her hands reaching out for hands to grab a hold of something, Katakuri being the something his brows furrowed as his hand went out towards Lyra which was the same hand that was holding up his own towel.

Lyra felt her own pulling backwards as she grabbed a hold of his hand, tumbling them both backwards. Luckily he was a bigger male he was catching onto his arms " I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to pull!" Lyra stammered, her cheeks flushed and filled with embarrassment that he had saved her yet again for her clumsiness, he didn't say much but stared her down with a frozen expression " something the matter?" Lyra asked, he didn't know what to say first that his own body was now shamefully bare above her or that her choice of clothing, His eyes gazing idly downward to notice her loosened nightgown was slowly becoming to show her bodice chest " what sort of choice outfit did you protrude that from?" He asked while trying to avoid gazing but it was to worsen when he felt the breeze of his towel had become hanging free from him " My clothing?" Lyra mumbled, casting her gaze down to notice that she was indeed revealing a little of her chest, barely a free slip more from showing her nipples " Ohh!!" She squealed, quickly covering herself with her arms with her cheeks already so flush, her eyes gazed above again to meet his " You looked didn't you?!" She exclaimed boldly " E-Excuse me?!" Katakuri gazed back down to the flushed woman under him, her eyes holding an innocent sadden look like a puppy almost " You would have not had said that if you had looked! I-I thought to take you for a gentleman!" Lyra scolded out again she didn't feel as much scared as she had been earlier with the one named Cracker and with escaping the quick hand from drowning she almost felt invincible.

His brows pinched furrowed as he stared her down annoyed like " You will watch the way you speak, I never said I was any gentlemen! I'm a Pirate, remember that we have no code of honor!" His voice was so cold that it sent shivers down her body and the hairs on her body raised but she gulped her fears and remained eye locked with the bigger male " I'm not scared of you!" Lyra stated which made him look as if he was smirking under his scarf with his brow raised " Really?" His face inching closer towards hers, she held her breath as he came close to her face she was almost buried under the scarf blinded, a breath of hot air breezes against her ear that made her eyes get wide surprised at the sensation than to another surprise was his right hand tracing up from the top of her stomach so slowly, he must be supporting himself with his left, even with his large hand it felt so gentle to traverse upward towards the center of her very chest, her heart was raising at next as his hand with just three fingers he had her throat in a squeeze " Ha ah!" Lyra cried gasping, but she remained calm, his hot breath breathing against her earlobe on her left " Maybe you should..?" He whispered just as quickly as he pulled away, letting her throat free to take out her held breath, Katakuri raised quick to his feet which he was able to fix his malfunctioned towel " I'm sorry to have woken you, please take rest here, I shall find other quarters" he proclaimed, Lyra say herself up a bit flushed and confused but she gathered what he was saying " this...this is your room, I should be finding other" Lyra spoke out which made Katakuri a bit taken back from.

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