Scars & Lips

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Lyra casually scanned the horizon, leaning over the railing side to watch the blood waters sail underneath them as the tart ship gilded forward upon the surface of the sea, the salty spray of the waters felt nice against her skin as she breathed in the fresh air, also trying to calm her nerves from earlier, she didn't know if she'd ever see her home anytime soon...not that anyone would miss her, her father was her only relative and the kingdoms people really didn't bother for her anyway, we'll except Gavin she supposed...the memory flashed of his calling of her name as he screamed behind the candy barrier hee heart aching if she had the slightest bit of courage she could have ran towards him, maybe meeting her end from hee abandonment but at least she wouldn't be in a arranged loveless marriage, she leaned her body over the railing staring down at the water's reflection she could almost see herself from the reflection glare ' looking as miserable as before, huh Lyra?' She thought with a frown upon her lips .The Tart was hitting a little turbulence of waves Lyra was holding herself still edge over the rail but with her bare feet and her weak gripping it wasn't much, her body bounced off the railing an over the edge her whole expression was perpetually emotionless.

'Hah..I guess this is a cruel joke!' Lyra cried in thought.

Her eyes staring as the coming waves enveloped her body until she was splashed under the surface, the wind knocked from her body a bit after impact ,stunning her body to shock, was I even noticed when I fell? Her body jerked as her eyes squinted blindly through the waters as her hands and legs were kicking blindly to reach the surface ' I don't want to die...if this is mighty fate don't let me die...please someone!!' Her heart was pounding in her chest, while her dress skirt got entangled between her legs making her kicking swings harder, her hands reaching above and around for anything or anyone as she felt the air in her lungs become less ' K-Kata..Katakuri?!' The words not being able to process out loud as her vision was darkening, her body felt weightless as her kicking lessened ' this end...I'm sorry Gavin...I'm sorry..' her eyes closed as the dark shadowing figure was reaching above her.

Katakuri's Pov

He had to step away from the woman, he knew she couldn't do much harm on the tart and no one else aboard would dare to harm her ,the whole island probably has already found out about the marriage, plus the dress spoke much, however it did make her quite beautiful in it.
He grunted, covering his face with his gloved hand in frustration ' this can not be good, keeping her as withdrawn as possible will less likely lead to her ever having to endure...myself'  He gave an exhaled sigh, his eyes widened as they flashed a bright red " What!?" The ship started to rock a bit harder than usual, he dashed back from around the corner " No!" He shouted, she was no longer standing over the rails, his eyes flashed again and they widened ' Dammit!!' " I'm going overboard!" He called " Commander Katakuri but your-" One of the crew men shouted, he only gave them a furrowed brow glare before his arm started turning into its white mochi substance, the crewmen in a hurry grabbed the mochi with worried looks while Katakuri jumped over the rails, the last thing he heard was the crewmen calling on a snail modular. 

' Damn this woman!' He gruntled, as the sea water weakened his devil fruit body making him a heavy weight drop he floated downward, he could see her floating..unconscious with her dress entangled around her legs, she must have tried to swim herself to the surface? He pulled at her hand with just a jerk, pulling her body against him as he held her with his free arm, she was definitely unconscious with her lips parted ever so lightly ' Dammit!' He furrowed his brows, leaning forward towards her face his scarf loosening an floating just enough off as his lips, his jagged sharp teeth his carefully maneuvered as he opened his own lips taking hers as he gave the breath of life, his gloved free hand holding her under chin while he gave her a intake of air, the felt of her lips were soft,plush he encapsulated the moment as he enjoyed the sweet touch of a woman's lips.

The most Sweetest thing than Donuts *HIATUS* Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin