"You'll find someone. I'm certain of it."

"Okay, forget what I said earlier. Let's talk about work. I'm too depressed to talk about my love life."

"Fine." Jungkook said, but tapped Jimin's knee. "But I'm always here if you want to talk about your life too."

"You're such a softie off the battlefield, you know that, Jeon?" Jimin smirked and Jungkook groaned, hiding his face behind his hands. "Anyway, thank you. Now tell me about this mission."

"Okay. So it's a hostage situation. Terrorists have the whole village, so there's at least 100. We have to go in, get them out, and then get rid of the terrorists. Getting the people out safely is our priority, so I'm taking more agents than normal. Total squad of 25 I think."

"Where we going?"

"A tiny island in the pacific. I dont think it even has a name. We just got signals from the coastline that there were explosions."

"That's crazy. Anyway, I finally get to do a non-stealth mission." Jimin couldn't help but be excited. He was so used to breaking into government buildings, but this, this was a real mission. With real life at stake. And he couldn't wait to prove himself once more. 


Jungkook stopped in his tracks when he spotted Jina and Jihyung walking towards the cafeteria. He had still not made up with Lisa, but seeing the siblings smile when they waved at him did bring a grin to his face. "Good morning."

"Hey Captain." Jihyung returned the grin.

"All good?" Jungkook asked, walking beside Jihyung as they entered. They nodded, Jina grabbing an apple juice on the way to their usual table. Meanwhile Namjoon had approached them with that normal mischievous look of his. "Wassup Joon?"

"Boss to you." Namjoon gave Jungkook a pointed look. He turned to the siblings, "Meet me after this okay, my office." Namjoon strolled off, heading towards Seokjin.

The siblings nodded, and Jungkook looked suspiciously at them, tilting his head. "What's that about?"

The siblings shrugged, "Dunno." Jina said truthfully.

"Well, anyway, sit." The three of them sat together, Jungkook sipping a protein shake. The cafeteria became full quickly, and the siblings were grateful for Jungkook, who warded off any starers with a raised eyebrow.

"Morning." Came a voice from behind Jungkook and the siblings grinned as he turned around quickly.

"Min." They could hear the smile in his voice. "Eat with us."

Jimin smiled at the siblings, flattening his fluffy hair and rolling up the sleeves of his hoodie. "Lisa's not coming?" He gave Jungkook a look, who shook his head.

"She's out for the day."

"Alright then." Jungkook pulled back the chair with his free hand and Jimin slid in, placing his plate down on the table.

For those 20 minutes, it felt like Jina and Jihyung were back home, enjoying a friday morning breakfast. Just like normal, Jimin was rambling off while Jungkook stared at him with an amused smile, the siblings laughing every now and then.

"What's the plan for today, then?" Jimin said, taking a break from ranting.

Jungkook chuckled, "Gotta choose the team for the mission. Then training of course. You're joining me, mm?" Jungkook placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Cool." Jimin nodded.

"Mission?" Jihyung said curiously, putting down his fork. Jina chewed on her waffle, nodding.

"Next week. Min and I are leading." Jungkook grinned.

"Woah." Jina smiled. "Wait, is this before or after the party?"

"Oh yeah." Jungkook bit his bottom lip. "I'll talk to Namjoon about postponing the party. We'll need all the training we can get."

"Speaking of Mr. Kim, we should get going Jinnie, come on." Jihyung said, nudging her as he picked up his plate.

"Aw, that's cute." Jimin smiled.

"What is?" Jina chuckled as she got up.

"Jinnie." Jimin quoted, making Jungkook laugh.

Jina blushed, punching Jimin lightly as she walked by. He grinned, resuming conversation with Jungkook when the siblings left.


another chapter, i hope you enjoy! also while writing this I'm seeing the pictures of the boys getting ready for the military :( i'm not ready to see jimin (my bias) with a shaved head, but well, i'm happy they are all going together.  

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