สถานะ (พีหนอง) - Status Pt. 3

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So just to recap, yim and satang are in the bathroom and now I'll be going from a 3rd persons' perspective

"I got a bit jealous when you were laughing and looking like you were having the best time of your life with them because you never laugh hat much or look as happy as that with me, plus I felt a little left out, even though you asked me to join you watch the Instagram live which was very kind, I just felt like I would ruin the whole thing with my personality because it's so much more plain than yours and those girls'... I wish I hadn't have done it because it's all just a bit pathetic and now I look like a mess and I have to go on a date right after school with hia win, I'm so done with today, I wanna go home, I wanna take a nap for ages, I wanna take a hot bath and then have dinner and go to bed, I hate today.. "it really broke yim's heart to see his best friend like this so he tried his best to comfort his friend." ohoo tteolek, (in Thai it basically means like something you would call your boyfriend/girlfriend or a really close friend, it's similar to "munchkin" or "pumpkin" or something like that, written in Thai is like this "ฟักทอง") never, you're crazy, I'm so happy when I'm talking to you, your jokes are so bad but your laugh is better than the actual joke, your personality is so good, you help both people who need it and people who are just either using you or making fun of you, you're too kind sometimes, Nat never stops talking about the jokes you say, he is still rolling on the ground over the joke you made about ajarn yesterday ("ajarn" is basically "teacher" or "professor" in the thai school district), he even told his mom! You shouldn't think like that though, hm? You wouldn't ruin anything just because your different from me, everyone is different from me, there is only one me so obviously, you can't be the same as me because me and you are both ones of a kind, no one else like us, but you should embrace that more often, tell the whole freaking word that your different without saying anything, make your features stand out, your amazing figure, your fashion, anything to let people know that your not normal and boring, your different and unique and that's what you should love about yourself and don't let anyone else knock down those walls of confidence, you spent all this time building them up, don't let some random person get to you, you're stronger than that, okay? Hug? " satang had never been so inspired, he needs to go home and tell his mom to cancel therapy immediately, paying 500 baht every week for therapy is a steal, why would he need it? His best friend is literally the smartest person on the planet and has the best advice ever. "of course hugs, where would I be without you? In deep deep depression, thank you so much for every time you've motivated me to keep moving forward and not stopping because of the smallest obstacles I come across during my life" they hugged and walked out after fixing satang's makeup. They sat down in their spot and met daou, he was sitting there holding both of their bags, he turned away from his phone and smiled at yim but made a worried face to satang, "is Nong tang okay? Is he hurt, it looks like he was crying.." satang just nodded and sat down on the other side of him. A few minutes later, Nat came storming into the hallway, screaming "WHERE IS IT AND WHERE IS HE?!" satang already had this dream, it's gonna end the same way, him crying to the teacher. "you little BITCH, HOW COULD YOU, YOU LEFT MY BAG THERE ON PURPOSE" yim didn't even look up from his phone and that's when Nat scoffed and had enough "ignoring me huh? I bet you won't ignore your broken phone then" and snatched it from his hand, turned around and chucked it halfway across the hallway. "I'm not too worried about my phone but you might wanna lower your tone and take the bass out your voice when your trying so very desperately to get my attention firstly, let alone speak to me, right now, I'm not really in the mood for you acting like a little bitch so why don't you go annoy Gemini about it, hm? A little heads up though, he kinda fucking hates you, all he ever has to say about you is that you're so annoying and need a personality change and better yet, a reality check, I'll give you one right now, just stop, you're not that dude, nobody really likes you when you act like this, the fact that your behavior gets to this level is pathetic, you can't get your point across without speaking very fast or swearing, if you speak too fast, it makes it soo like whatever you're trying to say, isn't valid and doesn't matter and if you can't get your point across without swearing, it really gives everyone the exact same image of you, a townie, you sound like a beggar in his 40's, begging a student for cigarettes, get a life and a new personality and maybe people will like you and your own boyfriend wouldn't call you annoying everytime he's in bed with someone else, just in case you didn't already know which is highly likely because your a bit slow, yes, I slept with Gemini and I must say, I don't know how on earth he thought you were all that in high school but he's tired of you, find yourself someone else, he doesn't like you anymore" Nat didn't really care about what he said, yim slept with Gemini? To hell with this "so you slept with Gemini? That's cool but how would you feel if I slept with daou? Wouldn't you have a bitch fit, hm? Perfectly virgin daou isn't very holy anymore.." yim scoffed, "you really think your all that? Daou slept with Gemini aswell, so I really couldn't care less about who he sleeps with, I came up with the rule in our relationship, everything is equal, if I get to sleep around then so does he, if I get to do something else with someone, so does he, we have that trust that one day we won't leave eachother for someone new permanently, but you and Gemini will never have that because he hates you, he's rather sleep with a girl than with you, but be mindful, his words not mine, I'm just delivering the message, he can't even tell you himself because he doesn't wanna get beat up or stalked because you can't let go, just some advice, move on, stuff happens, you can't control that, so don't get upset over it for more than five minutes if it's not gonna matter in five years, live a better life than this" suddenly, Nat remembered his roots, he didn't grow up like this, and he wasn't going to change that and just dropped everything and hugged yim, "hia, I'm so sorry, I don't know what come over me, I'm sorry for doing all that and disrespecting you like that, but I do have one question, is that how Gemini really thinks about me?" yim forgave him and said "unfortunately, yes but that's okay, you should know about it, atleast your not deeply in love with him like about to propose and find out that he finds you boring and sleeps with other people, he's just a shitty person, he just calls you over when he wants you, he's using you and I can't believe you never saw it, he's been telling me since the start of the Christmas holidays last year, only 2 weeks after you two started dating, he was cursing you like mad and it broke my heart to see you being blind through it all, if you ask me why I didn't tell you sooner, it's because I thought you had listened to my advice before and that you were smarter than that, but don't be discouraged, I have this friend, he's an absolute 10, single and he wants someone with your exact personality the way he described it to me, he's really sweet and he just got out of a really toxic three-way relationship with this guy and this girl, both of them beat him up when he forgot about their anniversary so he had to go to the hospital but he's back, better than ever and he's really hoping he doesn't experience another horrible relationship, your not gonna put him in the hospital again are you? " Nat felt bad now," noooo p', never, I feel so bad for him, if he gives me a chance, I promise, I'll make him feel better again and I'll never hurt him, not even make him cry :) " with that, yim showed his picture and Nat fell in love for real, all over again, his Hazel, chocolatey brown eyes, his blonde hair, he was pretty tall, built pretty big and he had some beautiful freckles, immediately, yim set him up for a date with Nat after school

I know this is long but I'm gonna continue and just split it up into two parts so Part one is done and now part two :)

"hello, I'm Tanwa and I'm a business major in second year, what's your name?" along with his out of the world, not even real, robot type features, his voice was wild, dripping with honey. "I'm nattawat jirochkit, I'm also a business major in second year, your from class 5, right?" yim had to applaud his friend's conversational skills, but he had no time to play matchmaker anymore as daou cane up behind him and he jumped, mostly because of what he forgot, their date." you ready babe? " just then, yim had an idea" what if I said that were having a double date, or not, if you don't wanna, we can just go, the two of us ☺️? "daou smiled and said" of course! I don't mind, as long as I get to be with you, babe :) ". They organised the date and it went very well. Now everyone is happy, Nat is doing well with Tanwa and there's no more fights but satang and win are having some problems, win is losing his temper very easily these days but he's been going to a professional to try and control it because he loves satang and he doesn't wanna scream at him for the littlest things ever. Satang isn't really worried about that, he's worried about what will happen next year, win is majoring in engineering and satang is majoring in economics, they will both go to different colleges and he doesn't think he can handle long distance and he thinks that if long distance does work, win definitely won't wait 4 years for him.

Little does he know the college that he's going to has a space for engineering and win already applied, he's going to surprise satang on the first day of college because he found out, it's satang's birthday the first day so he's gonna get his friends help for the big surprise, wonder what it is...?

I'm gonna end this one here because I split it into 2 parts without creating a new chapter and making this even longer than it actually is, anyways

Word count: 1951 words

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