สถานะ (พีหนอง) - Status Pt. 2

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Js a little authors note:this is a crossover between my other book and I'll put a photo of it under here

I'm not finished it as you can see but I'm extremely grateful for all the views it got, I hope to finish it soon though

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I'm not finished it as you can see but I'm extremely grateful for all the views it got, I hope to finish it soon though

The days after that, everything changed for daou. He had friends, he wasn't bullied, he looked and felt a lot better and he got his first date coming up on Thursday. It was now 12:00 am on wednesday and daou was shaking during his maths test, he was nervous about failing it, sure but he was nonstop thinking about his date, "what do I wear? What do I do? Do I like, gel my hair back or style it some other way? I'm so done for... Wait..." that's when he thought about his friend satang, and then satang's boyfriend, win, he always treated satang like a goddess or something like that, everyday, no matter the size, he'd always have a bouquet, he didn't care if he missed his bus, he'd walk to the flower shop, walk to satang's favourite coffee shop "insomnia", get him a latte, walk through the doors of the school, look for him, when he does find him, in class or not he kneels down infront of him and hands him the flowers, once he takes them in his hands, win gets up and kisses him, when daou thought about it, win really is a gentleman but how will daou's date react? Maybe they don't like flowers or may be allergic to the specific type of flowers he buys. Too many options but few right choices. Nonetheless, he finished his math test and handed it up, walking out of the classroom. The first thing he saw was his friends jumping up and down high fiving eachother because they were in another class and their teacher assigned a test that they needed 2 weeks to study for, he smiled and went on to his locker. He opened it and saw a note, before he touched it, he grabbed his books, took it and closed his locker, the note just said "boo!" but that wasn't what scared him, he rolled his eyes and threw the paper in the bin next to his locker. "boo" the boy shouted as daou closed his locker door, daou snapped his head to the side and jumped, "damn, you're that big and bad but get scared over the littlest things? Might need a new man... 😥" daou laughed and said "I wasn't scared, I just wasn't expecting it, although, now the note makes sense" the boy smiled and dragged daou down stairs to where satang and Nat were. They had a good time until they noticed satang acting a bit strange, he kept asking passing people if they had seen win but nobody did, Nat saw this and comforted him but that didn't last too long because win came in with his hair looking like a mess, "sorry babe, my alarm clock broke so I slept in but my mom started screaming at me so I'm here now, sorry if I look bad but I got your flowers, insomnia is closed today because they were understaffed a lot, sorry about that, babe" satang didn't really care about anything else, he took the flowers, put them next to his bag and ran over to win, hugging him, the rest of the day just kinda dragged on until they went home, "see you tomorrow, daou 😊👋" daou waves back and said the same thing and the two parted ways. Satang's pov: I walked through the school doors to find Nat and yim but only yim was there with a bunch of girls, I thought that they were just looking for a picture with him but he looked really happy with them and I couldn't help but frown and feel the slightest bit jealous, so I walked up to them and it took a good few seconds for one girl to notice me and tap yim's shoulder and point to me. "aou, ai'tang, come here, this is Nong ploey, Nong meena, p'lay and Nong nita, they're the girls I was telling you about, the people who donated to my mom's surgery last year, surely you remember them, no?" of course I remember them, they were the only girls yim talked about besides his annoying sister and his lovely mother, but nonetheless, I still bowed and greeted them, just standing a bit distant from them, playing with the hem of my shirt." meng, ai'tang, what are you doing all the way over there, come here! We're watching p'aou's Instagram live, don't you want to join us? You never miss his content.." I didn't wanna interrupt their little hang, so I shook my head and turned back around. At this point I think yim was getting mad with me, about ten minutes later, I heard him sigh and I just know he was rolling his eyes at me, but before I could turn around he started shouting. "am I making you uncomfortable or something like that? Do the girls make you uncomfortable? Why aren't you talking to me, what are you ignoring me completely? I thought I was your best friend?" I really didn't like the tone that he used so I turned around fully and dropped my head as I felt the emotions running and the tears forming in my eyes." what is the problem exactly? You were fine five minutes ago, what happened so suddenly, did I say something? Did I do something wrong? Why are you mad at me?" that was when I couldn't help it anymore and let my tears fall, I guess he could see my shoulders going up and me wiping my eyes and came around to my face. He lifted my head with his two hands and looked more worried than angry" what's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need help with something? Do you not feel well? I can call the school nurse if you want me to? " I just shook my head and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. A few minutes later, he followed me in but I was in the toilet stall and he was knocking on it," tang? Are you in there? Please come out and talk to me, please, I really wanna know what's wrong, if I did something wrong, I need to know what it is to apologise for it, isn't that what you want? I didn't want him to hate me so I opened to door an went to talk to him. "I'm sorry for acting like that while you were with your new friends, I should have told you what was wrong before, I'm sorry" I said but he waved his hands as if I misunderstood or something, "what? Those are not my new friends, in fact, I've been friends with them before I was friends with you and Nat aswell, so don't be acting like they took your spot or something, plus, I can have as many friends as I want and you can't control that but you still haven't told me what happened to make you cry?? " it was kinda hard to say because of everything he just said, it was going to be embarrassing but I know if I lie, I'll just be in deeper so I told him the truth.

This chapter is long too so I'll make my first ever part 3 in this book

Word count: 1263 words

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