สถานะ (พี่หนอง) Status

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It was a random afternoon in winter, daou's favourite season when he realised, the Christmas break, the thing that saved him from the most embarrassing thing ever, is ending tomorrow and he began to panic, sitting on the couch in his living room, he was sweating 5 mins later. The whole story made him shiver just thinking about it. He walked into school on Wednesday morning and his long time crush was there and he literally froze in his tracks, the boy's hair was shining and styled so perfectly his shirt was unbuttoned at the end about twice, his shorts were cut really high, he had some platform sneakers on, a lollipop in his mouth and lip gloss in his hand, ready to put it on his lips, his best friends, satang and Nat both dressed similarly, satang with his shirt cropped and wearing a tie with it, he was wearing shorts but they had a miniskirt over them, the traditional school shoes but he made them look a lot better with accessories he had, lollipop in his hand, pointing to someone and talking to Nat. Nat was wearing a miniskirt with nothing underneath it, his shirt wasn't tucked in, it was normally put over his skirt, making it fit his figure, unlike when you tuck it in, it makes your torso look like a box but anyways, he was wearing the same sneakers as the boy in the middle, lollipop in his mouth, judgy face on him as he was listening to satang talk about the person walking by very quickly as not to cause any trouble as Nat lost his temper very quickly even from someone just looking in his direction. And daou did just that, and when he did, he almost pissed himself. Being a new student here in this school meant that he didn't know anyone but the three people he just analysed were from his middle school, he used to be the best of friends with them until one day, they suddenly started bullying him and everyone else and kept to the three of themselves and now it's not much different. "hold up tang, you have a problem? Anything I can help you with? If so speak the fuck up, don't just stand there looking like you're gonna piss yourself, fucking nerd" he started shouting in daou's direction and alerted everyone in the freaking school, because it's always golden when Nat has an argument with anyone, he's so rude to the teachers and that's why every morning as soon as he walks in through the doors all he hears is "so, who's gonna get jumped today? If your gonna fight anyone, please be really loud do I can come and record it for you" he was always nice to the people who appreciated his work but anyone who passed a single remark would have their head auctioned in front of his dorm. Daou shook his head, already sweating and shaking, "good, now move the fuck on or I'll make your life a living hell" it wasn't the words he said, or the fact that everyone was looking, it was his attitude and his eyes, they burned a hole through daou's soul, he turned away and ran to the bathroom, everyone was laughing at him. He shut the door and slid back against the wall and let his tears fall. He washed his face 20 minutes later, put his glasses back on and turned around only to see the boy he liked standing right infront of his face, "I'm sorry about my friend, he doesn't really mean it, he won't do anything, it's just his temper, he gets like that with me and satang too but he knows what will happen if he goes too far but anyways, how are you feeling, you look a bit tired, do you wanna mitch with me and my friends? You can go back to our dorm with us and catch some sleep, hm? All we need to do is take these glasses up a notch, un tuck your shirt because it just makes you look a bit amazon package-ish, unbutton some at the top based on your body shape which is pretty big so instead of the bottom, we'll unbutton the top ones, not too much, fix that hair because it looks very much deep fried chicken wings it's so oily, but don't worry, I have just the thing for that and we need you to invest in some lip balm firstly, your lips are cracking and will soon start bleeding, it might take a while but that's why we're mitching right? OK, let's go before we get caught after the bell" he fixed daou up atleast a little bit and then grabbed daou's hand and dragged him to his friends. "OK, i know you have a problem with him Nat but I wanna fix him up so you won't scream at him everytime he breathes or everytime his heart beats, satang, this is.... Wait, what was your name again? I never asked for it, sorry" he cleared his throat, Nat was already disgusted, oh how much he wishes he told the boy in the bathroom his name and didn't have to say it again. "Daou pittaya..." satang was really excited to meet another person but he heard his voice and went straight back on his phone but Nat literally froze, dropped his nail file and turned to daou in disbelief "could you say that again please, I don't think I heard you very well, you might need to come a bit closer, I'm very hard of hearing" the boy slapped his head and said "stop it, you heard him very well, don't worry daou, he's just messing around" daou smiled and stepped next to Nat's ear and said "daou pittaya". I'm not joking when I say Nat literally fell to the ground and crawled up into a little ball and screamed. The boy and satang both jumped because they had never seen their friend this down bad for someone saying a name, satang scoffed and said "it's not that deep, get up, he sounds like a fucking squirrel, your so delusional" Nat got up and gave satang the finger but soon turned to daou with a smile on his face, "iiiiimmmm soo sorry for earlier, I personally think we should start over, hello, I'm nattawat jirochkit and you are, again?" Nat stuck out his hand waiting for daou. "daou pittaya, nice to meet you" and shook Nat's hand. After he let go, Nat ran around in circles screaming "OH MY GOD! OH MY GODDD!" But he ran into his boyfriend who looked pretty mad, "who are you fangirling over, hm? Better be me or I'll fuck him up" Nat didn't say anything but he went back to his friends, ignoring Gemini.

I'm gonna end this part here because it's a bit long but I'm gonna make a part 2 in a few days because I'm currently feeling a bit under the weather bcs it's winter, my least favourite season, anyways..
Word count: 1187 words

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