Thought I'd Let You Know

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Thought I'd Let You Know about another story I came up with

Daehui was just walking to the kitchen when he looked down at his lace and realised it was untied. Being normal, he bent down to tie it, making the person walking in his direction fall over his small frame and spill their meal. The plate smashed and Daehui stood up quickly with his hands over his mouth in shock. It was beomjun, who completely lost it. "what the hell is wrong with you? Your shoelace shouldn't be untied because you shouldn't wear them in the fucking house, you autistic idiot" he yelled this and it echoed. Next thing, Daehui looked down, said sorry in his now silenced voice because beomjun's voice was booming, and ran off. He made it to his room and slammed the door. Beomjun went after him to tell him to clean up the food but ran into junwon, asking "why is there food on my floor? And this is an unskippable question because hyeongguen tried that yesterday and it didn't end well for him so you better answer me or I'm gonna ask everyone in this house and the truth will soon escape so tell me now and save yourself" beomjun calmed down because he already yelled at junwon last week and got kicked out for the rest of the week and lived on the streets. "I was walking to the kitchen because I forgot my fork to eat and daehui bent down to tie his laces and I tripped over him, I was just going to tell him to clean it up because it's his fault.."
Junwon didn't believe that was the full story and used his tactics that even Taeson couldn't lie anymore." that's all that happened? " ( x1) beomjun had an idea what was happening but he didn't know for sure so he just kept going" umm, yeah? " and junwon got closer " that's ALL that happened? (x2) beomjun didn't like this but he couldn't give up "for the millionth time, yes that's all", only making junwon get up in his face for the last time "last time, that was all that actually, really happened?" beomjun cracked. "OK, i called him names and got angry with him" junwon was getting mad now, "what name, specifically or I'm kicking you out again" beomjun was sweating bullets at this point "an autistic idiot.." earned him a slap across the face and junwon stormed off the daehui's room to hear his side of the story. "open up daehui, I have to talk to you" and daehui opened the door and let junwon in. "so what happened with beomjun? I've heard his side of the story but I need to hear from you to know who is wrong and who isn't" upon hearing that, daehui started crying again and junwon hugged him. "it's okay, you're not in trouble if you tell me the truth, if you lie, no matter if you did nothing, your still going to be in trouble, so just tell me exactly what happened, okay?" daehui nod his head and sat down to tell junwon what happened "I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat and was wearing my shoes because I hadn't got a chance to take them off since I just got back from the bank at that time, and like a normal person l tied them. And I didn't see beomjun and he tripped over my back and smashed his food on the floor. He got up and gave out to me, calling me all sorts of names, autistic, and idiot, just basically making fun of my intelligence "
Junwon felt so bad for daehui and was going to make beomjun pay for this. First, junwon made sure daehui was ok and then left his room for him to calm down and relax because nothing was his fault and he should get some rest, shortly after he closed the door, he was on a mission to make beomjun pay. That evening, beomjun was asleep on the couch and was wearing his shoes and junwon had an amazing idea, he untied both of them and prepared some food on a plate. Beomjun woke up to the sound of hanbin and minseo arguing over which team was better "Barcelona is actually insanely amazing at football it's crazy and now I'm starting to think that's what you are, Chelsea are the worst players ever, they haven't even won a match in 5 years" beomjun wasn't having it and left the room. On his was to another room, he bent down to tie his laces with a sigh, in came Taeson and junwon with food in their hands, looking around as if they didn't see beomjun and both tripped over him, making their food scatter across the floor. "WHAT THE HELL BEOMJUN, I JUST MADE THIS FOOD!" "EXACTLY I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SIT DOWN AND EAT, I'VE BEEN STARVING ALL DAY YOU IDIOT" boomed Taeson and junwon, handing out complaints in unison making everything louder and more dramatic "I really looked forward to eating this with Taeson, now you've ruined it, maybe you're the autistic one and maybe you should count your fucking days before you say that again, to ANYONE" beomjun was full on sobbing and the two walked off, leaving him there, shaking on the floor. "umm... I'm really sorry junwon said that to you, are you okay?" it was daehui who really felt bad about it. "what do you care? You're probably delighted I got a taste of my own medicine or something like that" daehui couldn't believe it "I'm actually really concerned about you, but if you think I only care about revenge then you can sit there in your misery and guilt and forget I ever cared" and walked off to his room. Beomjun really didn't like this, most people in the house didn't like him because of his attitude, now nobody likes him.

Beomjun getting a taste of his own medicine and daehui fighting back

Word count: 1013 words

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