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Junwon had just finished performing the song "snacks" with hyeonggeun, kaedan, Taeson, seunghyeon, myungje and ling qi when he came home to his kitchen a mess and hayato desperately trying to clean up the multiple messes he made, but that didn't even faze junwon, he just decided to take a different point of view on this because normally he would scream so much, but this time he just decided to listen to what hayato was trying to do and help him clean up because he looked like he was sweating with the amount of things he had to clean up. He went over to hayato and said "just tell me what you where trying to do and I'll help you clean it up" hayato tried to calm down to tell junwon but it didn't work and he started to cry "I was just trying to make some kimchi to put in my ramen because I was hungry, i didn't mean to heat the ramen that high and the kimchi falling on the floor wasn't my fault, Taeson thought it would be really funny to pop up behind me and yell" after hearing this, he was confused because he was performing with Taeson but then realised that Taeson left before everyone else and just got a taxi home instead of going with the others in seunghyeon's car, so junwon nodded his head while looking at Taeson he picked up a fistful of kimchi and walked over to the trash bin but quickly dunked the kimchi all over Taeson's head and started laughing and said "now, THAT'S funny" and went back to helping hayato clean up and cooked him a meal since he ended up burning the ramen that's why the smoke alarm went off and why he was so stressed. Hayato got hugs from his boyfriend hyeonggeun after cleaning up because he missed hyeonggeun. 
Junwon got a mug full of beer because he had a free day tomorrow, and was able to stay home then. The drama didn't stop there, Taeson dumped that kimchi in the shower head and when jinho was trying to shower a few weeks later, the water was red and smelled like it so he opened the shower head after he turned the water off and found the kimchi rotting. He made sure to complain to junwon about it so he had security cameras set up and he had gotten a restraining order against Taeson for all of his friends and now all they had to do was sign it which they all did immediately wasting no time. As soon as that was settled Taeson couldn't be within 5 feet of any of them and he knew it too because there was security cameras that was always recording so if Taeson got a bit to close to junwon or anyone else the tape could be sent to the police and Taeson could be put on trial for jail time.
Life from then on was peaceful for everyone at junwon's house. A lot more complications in the kitchen happened but no screaming was involved, I guess it was because he used to scream at Taeson for burning the food and setting the smoke alarm off but these were his best friends that he genuinely cared for, loved and no matter what they did he could never get as mad as he did with Taeson, with them. It was now morning on Friday and there was 10 parents coming on sunday, which meant they had to cook for two days straight because the dishes they had prepared was to their parents preferences and it took forever for them to be done. Not to mention that the list was way too long. So the people in the house that cooked the best were sungmin, junwon, seunghyeon and minseo so the four of them got to work early in the morning because they needed as much time as they could get. The dishes were: Kimchi.
Red rice cakes (tteokbokki)
Korean stew (jjigae)
Korean fried chicken.
Cold noodles (잡채)
김치개 (idk what it is in English)
And gimbap. It took forever to cook everything but by the end of the day they still weren't done with the full process of some of the dishes so they went to bed really late but woke up really early the next morning to cook again. By Saturday afternoon they were done, all washed up and decided to get into ridiculously huge fluffy pyjama hoodies, wear face masks for about 10 minutes, make popcorn and watch a movie because they were all so deprived of just an evening of relaxing. The last person to fall asleep was minseo so he turned off the movie and cleaned up all of the popcorn falling from the others hands because they were dead asleep, snoring their heads off while in the progress of doing so he woke up hanbin. He didn't mean to but as everyone knew he gets rlly grumpy with the person who woke him up but as soon as he started getting grumpy and rasing his voice little by little he also opened his eyes to see minseo (his boyfriend) and immediately said sorry and hugged him, along with helping clean up. They left everyone on the couch and left to their bedroom, the smartest decision made by them that night. Everyone else woke up with bad backs but they also knew that no matter what, they had to set the table for all the parents that were coming in the afternoon. They thanked god that they didn't have to cook anything else. Junwon had ling qi call his name and tell him that santa had fallen and hurt his knee, luckily Taeson was near so junwon didn't ask, he told him to look after the bulgogi, since nobody else wanted to he kind of had to. He didn't purposely mess the dish up or add anything bad into it because his parents were coming too and he knows their enormous love for bulgogi. While Taeson was watching the dish cooking, junwon took to Santa's injured knee, cleaned the blood up, placed a bandage over it and went back into the kitchen to make him a bottle of warm milk (santa is one of the littles so his comfort drink was warm milk and it made him go to sleep a lot faster so that he could forget about the pain in his knee). Junwon carried him, shushed his loud cries and laid him down into his bed as he was viciously rubbing his eyes and yawning almost every second although he said "I no sleep, too much hurt on here *he points to his knee*, mommy i no sleep it hurt very much, wanna go up in you arms, can't sleep-" he passed out, he didn't even finish what he was saying. Junwon kissed him goodnight and went back into the kitchen while telling ling qi to look after Santa and shout if there was anything wrong or if he woke up crying again. Taeson actually helped the others too, despite them backing away from him as if his kind actions were just an act and he'd pester them again even though they had restraining orders against him, they still didn't trust him. Thanking Taeson, junwon went back into the kitchen to continue cooking. A few hours later, Santa had woke up screaming crying and it had worried ling qi so much, he shouted for junwon as he had no idea how to calm him down. Junwon immediately handed the pan to Taeson which he had no problem with. He stunned junwon for a second and he got the side eye for about another second until the crying got even louder, that's when junwon rushed into the other room. Santa had been pointing to his knee and said "can't move it, need doctor now, pleeasse" so not ignoring his needs as he would only cry even harder, junwon drove him to the hospital and brought ling qi with him as they were both sitting in the back of the car so junwon needed someone to distract santa from crying even more, so he told ling qi to bring anything that he knew santa liked so he brought a box of strawberries, apple slices and some tiny pieces of chocolate at the edge of the box, along with a pacifier and a baby bottle with warm milk in it, all of it worked but he ate everything too fast and with only about 5 minutes left of the trip to the doctors office, he started whining but it wasn't because of his knee but it was because he was cold because the window was down but without it being down it would be too hot in the car and he would have thrown up all the food he had just ate and the previous breakfast he had earlier on so ling qi wrapped his soft, fluffy jacket around his buddy but then he was cold, just as he was about to ask junwon for a sweater or something santa hugged him and wrapped the remaining of the fabric on the jacket around ling qi as he was shivering. Junwon looked at the mirror to see the two asleep wearing the big jacket on santa that he had wrapped around ling qi he didn't want to wake them up so he parked not too far from the doctor's and grabbed his spare blanket out of the boot of the car and fell asleep too.

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