Saga Eins Act II Trailer

Start from the beginning

Gabriel pulled up an image of the Moon's dark side, and pointed to the eye of the storm. 

"First, get to the Palace of Selene on the moon and copy all of its data..."

"...before retrieving the corpse of the Herrscher of the End."



Schicksal Labs 

"Uh, is this really a good idea?"

"Shhh! Keep it down, we don't need any more alerts after those last attempts."

Welt Joyce and Gabriel hid in the vents near the experimentation room, where several pods of embryos lay in their dormant state, waiting to be hatched.

"Why are you insisting on saving those clones? Didn't Otto say the last batch completely melted?"

"My handiwork, of course, but no, they were just fakes. The real ones are in our base, and I added some modifications to ensure that they live."

"Again, what's the point? I know we should be saving them since this whole thing is pretty immoral, but like... shouldn't they just die peacefully?"

"Consider this my selfish desire, but... I want to let them have a chance at life, you know?"

"I'm not getting past you, huh?" Welt sighed before he distorted the space in the lab using the Star of Eden, and we descended into the chambers. 

"Great. A-2 series have been secured. This batch still does not contain any Honkai beast's genes - which means we are free to add our own." Gabriel smiled. "Let's see if we could raise something different than a simple clone of Kallen Kaslana."



Sea of Quanta 

A lone brunette girl drifted through the cosmos, in the chaos known as the Sea of Quanta to many branches of the Imaginary Tree. Millions and billions of bubble universes were in sight, all whose history were pruned from the tree itself, left alone to die after their civilization lost against the Honkai - or at least, that's most of them that have fallen.

Many other bubble universe were simply born in the Sea of Quanta, and with their Ether Anchors, allows them to survive for a long time before they must face the inevitable sinking of their world to the bottom of this reality, absorbed as nutrients for the tree.

A journey in this place is a lonely one. Almost no one will ever come into contact with you, even if there are probably hundred of millions of travellers suspended in this Multiversal void. Schrödinger was a special case, however, as she has already transcended the limits of humanity with the usage of Abyss Flower and the Honkai-fication of her body.

In the Sea of Quanta, even Herrschers are just humans with extra powers.

So that's exactly why Hugo was sent. As one of the most successful members of Project Infinity, he retained more than 98% of the original's powers, making him best suited for the mission to find and accompany her on the future exploration of a place mankind has not dared to touch for millennia. 

So the surprise on Schrödinger's face was genuine as she saw the navy-haired boy emerge from a nearby bubble universe just as she was about to enter another.

"There you are."

"You're...wait, but I thought-"

"I'll explain everything. But first, how have you been, Schrö-chan?"

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