Derek nods in understanding. “From what I’ve read, and from what I can recall my mother telling me, the nogitsune feed off of human emotion, mainly, but they also take what they can get. But just ‘cause he wants us to feel pain, doesn’t mean he needs to keep us all alive to do it.”

“Stop calling it ‘him’, OK? It’s not Stiles.” Scott pauses, shoulders sagging when Derek’s eyes widen a little. “Sorry. I’m just–“

“No, it’s OK, I understand, but...” Derek hates to be the one to say the words, but as her Beta, he feels compelled to level with her, to tell her exactly what he thinks, “There’s only two outcomes here, and you know it, Scott. One is that we save Stiles. And the other is that we can’t.”

“No.” Scott shakes her head, doesn’t even blink. “I don’t accept that.”

Derek smiles fondly at her defiance, despite the shitty dilemma she’s in. And he’s not going to be the one going against her, but he can see even through that defiance that she knows what he says is true.

Suddenly, Scott is closing some distance between them, and Derek has to get over himself when his heart skips, because he can see a sort of desperation on her eyes when she asks him, “How can I be stronger? What would your mom do right now?”

Derek is surprised by the question, maybe also secretly a little honoured. “Uh,” He chuckles, shakes his head, “I was still kinda young when she died, but uh...I guess she’d take a moment to breathe and collect her thoughts. She’d consider all possible outcomes, weigh up all the variables...” Derek trails off when he sees her disheartened look. He sighs, nods and tells her, “She’d try to save as many people as she could. She’d try with her last breath to save Stiles, especially if he was her best friend.”

He hates saying those words to her, because he knows what it means, that she’ll only try to sacrifice herself if that’s what she thinks will work. But then, the bright and hopeful smile she then gives him makes it worth his own inner turmoil.

Scott nods, says, “He’s my brother. I know you, of all people, get that.”

She doesn’t mention Laura, but they both know that’s who she really means.

Cora is his sister, too, and he would die for her, of course (almost did), but after Talia died, Laura was Derek’s everything.

Scott can’t imagine how that feels. And she never wants to.

So, she tells Derek and promises to herself, “I’m gonna save Stiles. I’m gonna tear that piece of shit out of him, if it’s the last fucking thing I do.”

“OK,” Derek nods, “I’m with you.”

Derek hates how easily he bends to her fucking will now. Even worse, he hates that he doesn’t even care if he dies along with her.

His mate dying would be his very last straw...

Now that Scott has sat her ass down finally for a few moments, she’s able to process everything that happened back at her house.

She made sure her mom was OK, and nearly knocked Peter on his ass when he’d suggested she leave her mom in his care. Scott had kicked him out, glaring as she shoved the idiot out of the front door by his literal scruff.

Scott will have to thank Lydia later for her help with Stiles.

Y’know...when Scott finds out where the bastard nogitsune took her...

Scott’s mind is a mess as it flits back and forth.

The separation had been less brutal than she’d expected, but a whole lot more disturbing. All she could do was kneel beside Stiles helplessly as he struggled to yank the dirty rags from his gaping mouth. If she were still human, she surely would have passed out from the sight alone.

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