Being Alpha

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“Skinny, defenceless Stiles is the nogitsune?”

Oh, how Derek deeply regrets laughing at the twins.

Aiden was always dramatic, but Derek should have known something was up when Ethan looked afraid, too.

How Derek really fucking deeply regrets not taking it more seriously when he sees the state that Scott is in.

She’s still standing. Just barely. All her cuts and bruises seem to be slowly healing, which worries Derek as he rushes over just in time to keep her from stumbling back. He doesn’t even remember getting to the hospital, all he knows is that he suddenly felt his Alpha’s unbearable turmoil and anguish, and now, he’s here beside her.


“I’m O–“ Scott slowly swallows a mouthful of her own warm blood, “OK.”

Derek’s heart is racing, but he manages to stay calm on the outside–just about, “You’re not OK. Shut up... Fuck!” He swipes her legs out from under her and hauls her up to his chest Bridal style.

Scott lets out a pained groan of protest. She just needs a few hours to rest...and heal her bloody insides. At least she can already feel the surface of her stab wound knitting her skin back together. Her chest itches for it, and she wriggles, fighting to lift her head.

“Nowhere is fucking safe. I’m taking you back to loft, and I’m not even sure how safe it is there anymore.” Derek grumbles, mostly talking to himself before gruffly asking, “What the fuck happened? Who did this to you?!”

Like he even needs to ask...

His heart is already sinking before Scott manages to gurgle out, “St–Stiles... V–Void...”

“Fuck. I’m such an idiot!” Derek hisses to himself as he bursts out of one of the side doors to the hospital.

There’s still a chaotic swarm of people running around after Void Stiles’ little visit with his new Oni pets.

God, Derek thinks, how much more fucked can the pack get right now?

He probably should have asked Argent for a little help here...

Derek scowls at the thought, because no, Argent isn’t pack, and he isn’t Scott’s Beta. Not like Derek and Isaac are (or like Ethan, and even Aiden are trying to be.) He briefly wonders where Isaac is, probably with Allison. Derek scoffs, shaking his head, because he seems to be the only one here for Scott right now.

Derek doesn’t waste a moment as he literally runs on two feet back to his loft as fast as he possibly can.

Scott isn’t as appreciative as he thought she would be when she wakes up a couple of hours later. Though she’s glaring at him when she walks down the spiral stairs, Derek is happy to see the healthy glow back on her face and all the bruises and cuts gone. He frowns, however, when his eyes linger on the blood covering her shirt, her own blood.

“Why the fuck did you bring me here?” Scott snaps when she’s at the bottom step.

Derek looks up from his coffee and newspaper, blinks and with only a tiny bit of sarcasm, says, “Thank you, Derek.”

Scott shoots him a withered look, but she does relent quickly with a sigh and half smile as she says, “Thank you, Derek. Really.”

Derek gives a tiny nod of acknowledgement, places his coffee down and folds up the newspaper. He stands up and turns to face her and says, “You weren’t healing fast enough. Whatever Stiles did to, it weakened you a lot.”

Scott sighs, nods and tells him, “When it ran me through with Kira’s sword, it told me how it watched me all day, siphoning pain from everybody, out of all the chaos it caused. Said it was waiting for me to fill to the brim with that pain and told me to hand it all over.”

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