Not Just An Alpha

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It was Peter who bit her simply on a whim, pretty much like Derek himself had scrounged his way to a pack last year. But Peter was never the one who saw true potential in Scott.

Yet, Derek always has. From the moment he laid eyes on her for himself. Though admittedly, he hadn’t held out much hope for the newly turned teen she wolf.

But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t noticed the signs.

Scott may be pretty clueless at times, in her own little world most of the time, when she isn’t in Stilinski’s anyway. She’s a typical bubbly and happy-go-lucky teenager. Though, what sets her apart from others is her consistency. She’s always there for her friends, even there for enemies if they ever let her. She’s compassionate, too kind and too trusting, even for a teen. But she has Stiles to balance her out, and Derek has always secretly watched over her, too.

She’s started to feel his eyes on her more. Even when he’s not there, we’ll, not really there with her, but secretly watching from afar where she can’t see him.

It’s another sign. The first of many in the beginning, but he doesn’t say a thing about it. Her senses, her strength, her status, it’s all been growing slowly but very steadily.

Growing up until this very moment...

The moment Derek watches Scott force just one step forward into the ring of mountain ash, he knows for sure. Knows she’s exactly what he thought she was.

A leader in the making.

Now, a True Alpha...

He just knows it. Feels it. Has never felt power like it, not even from his mother. And he’s seen a lot of crazy and fantastical things in his life, but this moment is something he knows to be so rare that it’s not even properly documented.

Derek’s own human green eyes widen in shock and awe as he watches Scott’s golden Beta eyes slowly bleeding into full bright reds.

Jennifer’s eyes are wide with fear, but mostly confused horror as she watches nervously on. She smirks when she sees the she wolf struggle.

Scott glares back up at Jennifer, grits her teeth and musters up all of her strength for that last little push–slow and steady wins the race, thanks Coach. As the magical barrier finally breaks, the surge of it sends Jennifer back onto her ass and the mountain ash ring around her to blow away.

Derek startles, eyes fully wide, smile tugging at his lips.

Meanwhile, Deucalion is staring with admiration at the young wolf–now knowing that whatever he did, he was never going to convince her to join his pack, because she was already more evolved than he could ever hope to be, even by trying to force his way to the top (and that has just turned out so very badly–he still owes Scott for his life...)

Derek ignores Jennifer’s frightened gasp and how she sputters out, “H-How did you do that??” He shuffles closer to Scott, feels like he’s being pulled and–wait...she’s my Alpha now, that’s what this feeling is... (It’s definitely not too different from the other kind of feelings she makes him feel...)

Scott takes a slow deep breath, closing her eyes as she does before opening them again and smiling faintly as she says, “I’m an Alpha now, Miss Blake.”

Jennifer blinks, looks halfway between outraged and petrified.

“My God...” Deucalion whispers a laugh, shakes his head, “You’re not just an Alpha, my dear...” He trails off, completely still awed, not knowing whether or not she knows what he’s even talking about, though, he knows Derek must, if the similar look on younger Beta’s face is anything to go by.

Am I Your Alpha? [FemScott&Derek]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora