My little spark

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Jays pov:

My family never... had a lot of money. We were happy, yes but I there always had to be some problem. Not enough food, or water. I wanted to get a good paying job so I could help them.

I sat outside one night as thunder and lightning struck loudly around our house. I smiled as I sat and watched, storms were beautiful to me. With the lightning striking around the sky so bright it felt like the sun came back for just a moment. I liked that feeling, for some reason it always gave me comfort. At least that night I felt a little comfort

I sat next to the kitchen window leaning against the wall, I sat and listened with a slight frown on my face. "I don't know what to do" my mother said "we'll find a way I promise" my father responded "he deserves better" "I know he does but we're doing everything we can and he's grateful for that" "I know, what did we do to deserve him?" My mother asked as a small smile crept to her warm face. My mom was like that, always happy. Seeing her sad or angry was a once in a lifetime thing.

"He'll be ok, he's going to be a big person one day. I can tell" my father said smiling as he held my mother's hands in his. I watched quietly for a few seconds more before I walked out to the poring rain, I let the rain splash all over me as I looked up at the sky. It was so pretty, with the stars shining like scattered diamonds. I smiled even more as the sky lit up with lightning. My eyes filled with light as lightning cut through the sky as fast as I could see, I wanted to stay there forever and gaze at the sky.

"Jay! Come in please it's time to sleep!"

I ran to the house where my mother was waiting, "oh dear...Jay, my little spark" she said seeing I was wet. "Come on you need to take a bath, you don't want to get sick do you?" She said smiling as she pulled me inside.

We sat on my bed after reading stories. I looked at the dark sky outside. "Mom, why do you call me your little spark?" I asked looking up at her "well... one day when you were a baby I sat outside with you in my arms, there was a storm raging on and on. You looked like you found it funny and you lifted your hands to the Lightning and your hands seemed to glitter with tiny sparks. That's when I started calling you my little spark, and your always going to be ok?" She said picking me up and sitting me on her lap. "One day your going to grow up and be someone known all over ninjago. Me and your father know it, he says it all the time" she smiled as she held my hand and looked out the window.

"I just know it"

"Mom... but what if I'm not?" I asked in a small voice "never doubt yourself, you may think you will be nothing good don't let that stop you. Your special, have been and always will be" she smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. "Remember that my little spark"

I grinned and rested my head on her chest and closed my eyes, moments later I fell asleep.

I knew that I had to be somebody.

Not for me.

But for them.

-hey! New story! Hope you like it! This is a prequel to shockwave. I advise you to read that, is not that's totally fine!

Have a good day/afternoon/night!


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