The room is adorned with large mirrors that line the walls, reflecting her grinning face back at her.

The floor is smooth and polished, designed to support the delicate movements of dancers' feet. She can see the marks of countless pirouettes and grand jetés etched into the floor, most of which are probably of her own creation.

Ballet barres are positioned along the walls, offering support and stability for dancers as they would usually perfect their technique. The barres are like silent companions, witnessing the hours of practice and the pursuit of perfection.

In one corner of the studio, she lays her eyes on the cozy area of the studio with a ballet bookshelf, where dancers can sit and immerse themselves in the stories and history of ballet.

The ballet studio is her sanctuary and a place where she can express herself through movement, push her boundaries, and strive for perfection. It's a world of beauty, dedication, and passion and she's loved every bit of it since she was a very young girl

She starts by slipping on her ballet tights and leotard, making sure everything feels snug and comfortable. Then, she must tackle the task of carefully lacing up her pointe shoes.

She delicately slides her feet into the satin-covered shoes, ensuring that her toes are properly aligned with the box of the shoe. Then she moves on to cross the ribbons of the shoes over her ankles and ensure that they are tied securely, to provide her with crucial stability and support.

She makes quick work of sewing the ribbons and elastic onto the shoe to ensure that the shoes stay in place during intense movements. It's a skill that she's developed over time, creating neat and secure stitches. And it has undeniably come in handy in other aspects of her life like mending clothes and sometimes, should she feel ambitious, embroidering little patterns and symbols onto her clothes and shoes like the socks she wore earlier which she had embroidered little colourful flowers into the white cotton.

Once her pointe shoes are on and secure, she takes a moment to stand up and feel the weight shift to the tips of her toes. It's a unique sensation, like being on the edge of a precipice, ready to soar through the air with grace and precision.

And the she takes to dancing a familiar routine. one she's perfected since she was young. Every movement is deliberate, every step perfectly timed to the music. As she leaps into the air, her body seems to defy gravity, her arms extending like wings. Her feet barely make a sound as they touch the floor, a testament to her skill and poise.
Her expression, which was moments ago one of smiling excitement is now one of pure focus and passion, her movements fluid and enchanting.

And then there's a bang as the doors of the studio slam shut and her balance is lost in such a way that sends her sprawling across the floor painfully. There's a sharp sting in her ankle and a dull ache in her elbow but she's no stranger to such feelings, so she pushes herself up from the ground and faces the person who caused such chaos.

He's standing there as if he's used to such situations. She takes notice of his blonde curls and bright eyes and she's sure she's never seen him before which is strange because she credits herself on her general awareness and ability to observe everyone in most situations.

"Sorry" he smiles and it holds a certain charm to it that makes her want to squirm away from his sharp crystalline gaze.

"Do you want to use the studio? i was just leaving honestly just give me two minutes-" Phina moves to remove her pointe shoes, ignoring the twinge as her ankle protests the movement, but his voice halts her in her task.

"No, i was just looking around the school" his voice was smooth and rich, she wonders if he'd be a good singer "i didn't mean to disturb you. i was just wondering what this building was after passing it so many times to classes"

"You're new?" it wasn't often that Auradon had new older students, only the VKs but he didn't look like he'd come from the isle at all. His clothes seemed to be finely made and his general appearance was like as if he hadn't had to do a second of work all of his life. In this way this new stranger reminded her of Samuel, son of snow white, whom she was talking to earlier that evening. But dissimilarly to Samuel, the blonde held an aura that put her at unease. Both boys however a stark contrast to Harry who was like neither of the boys in an even a singular way.

"oh! i apologise for not introducing myself sooner" he held out his hand for her to take, which she did politely "i'm Jack"

Her initial shock was at the way he did not shake her hand as she expected, instead he turned it so that he could place a kiss on her knuckles. And then awareness of the familiar name hit her as she realised that this man in front of her was the Jack of hearts that Malina and Harry had warned her about.

"Philomena" she returned politely in great effort to make sure her voice did not betray her shock and unease. "i do so hope that you are enjoying your time here?"

"Oh yes it's lovely. Far lovelier than what i'm used to and, between you and me..." he leaned closer to her conspiratorially so the she could feel the ghost of his breathe against her cheek as he said "i find that you are the loveliest thing i have encountered here so far" And then he straightened up and his handsome grin was back on his face.

"But i am afraid i must go now" he spoke with regret as he slowly let go of her hand and she let it fall to her side. And then he was turning to leave and Phina watched his back as he strode with all the confidence of a king.

"i hope to see you again soon" he called over his shoulder.

And then he was gone and Philomena blinked once, twice at the door in bewilderment before she regained her senses enough to pick up her jaw from the floor and gather her ballet things as she ran through the encounter in her mind.

AN: so we've met jack!
what a master of rizz he is

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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