twenty five

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chapter 25~ A stolen relic

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chapter 25~ A stolen relic

It was, to all who passed them, a strange sight to see a tall dark pirate trailing after a pretty blonde with furrowed brows and a pout on her lips. The pirate would take it upon himself to glare at any passer-by who was to look at the girl for more than a glance. The girl hadn't seemed to notice at all.

Philomena had been considering many things as they walked seemingly aimlessly through the grand corridors and courtyards of auradon prep.

Firstly, was the matter of her parents. Had they really meant it when they said they wouldn't welcome her home? Gods Philomena could just cry at the mere idea. They were supposed to be the good guys weren't they? the ones that forgave and helped to make the world a better place for everyone. So why on earth were they treating her so harshly. She ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

The Next thing that had her thinking so deeply was the boy a few feet behind her. He was being so nice, the complete opposite of what her parents had always warned her the "villains" would behave. But he wasn't a villain was he? No. he was just a boy who was born on the wrong side of the border. A boy that had once belonged to the isle but now had a change at proper education and a chance to simply Sure he still had habits from being raised on the isle that would probably never leave him but he was Harry and he was nice and warm and lovely and strong and incredibly handsome.

She couldn't help herself but look at him over her shoulder. He was, of course, already looking at her and when he smiled his familiar lopsided smirk she felt her insides melt and head go suddenly light. Gods she was in trouble if he continued to be so damned perfect.

But he hadn't mentioned how they had kissed on the bridge after the border had been torn down and it was lovely and everything she had thought it would be like to kiss a dangerous pirate who should have been her enemy. But he hadn't uttered a word about it and she understood that perhaps he was just so filled with happiness that he would have kissed anyone in that moment. If it didn't mean anything she understood and... well he was a great friend regardless.

She sighed. If he continued to look at her in the way that caused hundreds of fairies to erupt in her stomach it would be a long year of just being...friends.

Before she could fall even deeper into her busy mind she felt herself collide with something and then she was tripping over the hem of her dress but before she could fall properly hands steadied her and placed her easily back on her feet. The hands stayed at her waist and she knew they belonged to Harry. He was there, as usual, to save her and if it were any other person she would've scoffed at the fact that she needed to be saved by a man. But it was Harry and if it meant he would hold her in such a way as he was now she wouldn't mind being placed in unfortunate situations more often. She cursed the fluttering in her stomach.

And then she remembered where she was and what happened shoving thoughts of Harry to the back of her mind. The first thing she noticed about the girl standing in front of her was the impressive mop of bright red curls that framed her freckles face in a way that almost filled phina with envy. Philomena had always thought her own hair was fine but rather plain but the girl in front of her made her realise how truly unimpressive her blonde waves actually look were.

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