twenty four

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chapter 24 ~ clever girl

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chapter 24 ~ clever girl

Harry Hook was bored out of his mind as his eyes scanned the old books that sat infront of him. He had decided to finally try and tackle the pile of homework he had been given starting with history of Auradon .

He really had tried...for about ten minutes before he had fallen asleep. It wasn't his fault it was all so dreadfully boring. When he had awoken about half an hour later he was in the mood for a snack so he traipsed down to the kitchens and bumped into the Smee twins on the way who he had ended up talking to for awhile.

He had grown to be quite protective of the two boys on the isle so he wanted to check to see no one had caused any trouble for them in their first week back at the school.

About two hours after he had originally planned he sat ready to fully focus on his homework.

He could feel his eyes start to wander around the library, his focus already wavering when someone sat at the opposite end of the table he was inhabiting.

"what?" He asked the person who dare to oh so rudely interrupted his peace when he was working so hard. The girls smile never wavered.

"A pleasure as always Harry" Evie replied unaffected by his unwelcoming attitude.

Harry snorted as he feigned interest in the brown leather book in front of him. He let his eyes scan the yellowing page before looking back up to Evie who was still looking at him.

He rolled her eyes and "re focused" on the book. Why wasn't she saying anything?

"You haven't turned the page in quite a while" She observed.

"Okay just say whatever you came to say and then leave me the alone to finish this stupid bloody homework in piece" he huffed. His patience was wearing thin.

"What do you think of Philomena?" She asked simply.

His surprise was clear in the way his dark rimmed eyes widened.

"I think you know full well what i think of her" He wasn't in the mood for any games.

"We'll then let me ask you this: What are your intentions with Phina?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" He retorted

Evie's face turned gravely serious "Because if you hurt her i will kill you"

Her usual perky smile reappeared on her face "mkay?"

"Believe me Evie that's the last thing i would want to do" he said with a sincerity that made Evie look taken aback.

"Good" Evie jumped up from her seat and bid the pirate goodbye before she waltzed out of the library doors humming a tune to herself.

Harry watched in wonder as she disappeared out of the doors.

About an hour or two later he had managed to write half a page full of messy scribbles until another presence disturbed his peace. However this particular presence was one he actually wanted to see so he didn't mind one bit.

"Hello darling" He said to Philomena who had chosen to sit next to him rather than on the opposite end of the table like Evie.

"Hi" She smiled "what are you doing?" She asked looking towards his work that was sprawled messily across the table.

"This work will be the death of me love i swear. The third day of lessons and i've got about 20 research tasks to do" He huffed as he leant back in his chair throwing his pen onto the table lazily.

"Well i can help you look" She scooted her chair closer to him so she could take a look at his work. "i've already done these three and i'm half way through these few" She pointed to different pieces of work.

The last part was a lie. Of course she had completed every piece of work by now but she didn't want it to sound like she was bragging or anything.

"I'll go and get you some of the books i found useful. I'll be right back" And with that she stood up and disappeared into the isles of books.

Her eyes scanned the variety of titles grabbing ones that were familiar but then she stopped as her eyes fell upon an interesting looking book. It was dark green and cloth bound. Golden vines of ivy climbed its spine and wrapped around the title. 'Peter Pan: A tale of his adventures in neverland'

She knew that everyone knew of her fathers story but she had never encountered a real book about him. Her fingers plucked it from the shelf and tucked it under her arm. She would be borrowing that for a while.

Harry chuckled upon her return to the table, she was carrying as many books as she could possibly hold making her have to peek over the top of them to see where she was walking. She dumped them onto the table with a huff.

"I'm not reading all of them" Harry stated but she rolled her eyes.

"Of course not we'd be here for days. Lucky for you i already have, so i know what information you need and where to find it" She clapped her hands together but Harry just looked at her, then back at the books,and then back at her.

"You read all of those?"

"yeah i love reading. I'd read anything which really helps with homework sometimes"

"clever girl"

He smirked at the blush she was trying to hide by tilting her head away from him. Clearing her throat to regather at least one coherent thought that wasn't just about Harry she turned back to look at her book in front of her.

The words were not making sense and she was sure she had read the same line at least three times. She huffed, slightly mad at Harry's ability to be so distracting and so devastatingly handsome. the thought alone made her roll her eyes.

She couldn't take anymore of the suddenly  suffocatingly stuffy library so she stood up and began to gather her books into her small tote bag.

she was surprised to see harry doing the same thing behind her although the way he didn't have a bag and had taken to just carrying the few books he had.

"Where are you going?" she asked with an air of indifference although it was fake as she did indeed find herself having a great interest in where he was going and who with.

"wherever you are" he shrugged and looked at her with keen eyes that she would liken to a puppy.

She bit her lip to hide her rising smile. The attention she had received from him since he came to the auradon was unlike anything she had experienced before but she had to say she did enjoy the company.

but was that wrong? of course he himself had proven to be someone she could trust to be a genuinely good person but that did not erase who his father was and the feud between their parents. Her mother and father would never except him to be her friend let alone anything else and so she had to wander if she was wasting both of their time.

Surely just being strangers would solve all of their problems. Her parents had made it quite clear that they want nothing to do with her should she choose to stay in the school and remain friends with the "villain kids" so what if she just obeyed.

Was being in her parents good books worth loosing the best friends she had ever had. she couldn't picture a version of herself that couldn't gossip with Evie and Carlos or just having Mal and jay to speak to should she ever need them. And lastly Uma and Harry who had more than proven that they were good people who wanted to help.

The heavy weight of her upcoming decision settled uncomfortably on her chest. She turned to leave the library without a word to Harry who had immediately followed her. She also noticed that her heavy bag of books was slung over his shoulder as he traipsed after her. she hadn't noticed him taking it from her but she guessed he had done so when she was thinking hard. She had a tendency to completely zone out all of her surroundings some times.

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