Part 17

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☆Peter Cleary☆

Peter frowns at this knowledge while his hand quickly moves to keep an eye on his pulse, cursing at how long he'd been out. "Shit.. Okay he needs to be moved now, that's way too long for him to be unconscious ". Peter quickly picks up Aiden with ease, glad in the moment that he's taller making it easier then quickly turns out and for the elevator, not minding if Ace is following or not since his mind is on what he needs to do.

Peter rushes to his office as fast as he can, ignoring the weird looks Aidens getting and cringes as his door slams off the wall, startling Luke awake but can't do anything other than look at the ceiling confused to all the cluttering.

Peter rushes around doing what he needs until he's sure Aidens alright and cleans up everything before plonking down on his chair with a deep sigh, not paying attention to if Luke is awake or not.

☆Axlot Grove☆

Axlot nods a little at Ace then watches the doctor with uncertainty though glad when he isn't spotted. He slowly comes out from under the couch, his ears flat to his back from his distress, the black eye showing in his rabbit form under his fur too. He looks at the open door concerned, worried about Aiden the thought of escaping not coming to his mind at all, nor feeling a reason to anyways, he hasn't lived a free life before so he doesn't understand what's so great about it.

☆Oliver + Skyler☆

Sky looks at the creature confused to why she's speaking to her, just barely hearing her first time around. As she talks about staging the fight her confusion changes to motherly like concern~but won't she get in trouble for that too? ~"I wouldn't want to attack someone that isn't attacking me, I only fight to defend but I can't imag-". Sky cuts off as her head turns to the crowd, her ears catching someone sharing their disgust over her back scars - both she'd received at a young age. She growls as her eyes change to yellow then start turning orange as they begin to swap from yellow to red, Sky losing control to anger.

Oli rolls his eyes a little playfully at Vesperia. "Well savoir it, you won't see me this pissed off anywhere else". Oli nods while he listens, watching the two just stand there. "It just makes... Anger..-". He frowns and looks back behind him then at Sky, noticing her eyes change colour to a slight orange colour. "-... Worse... And uh... - ". As Sky's body turns towards the crowd, Oli straightens up as his anger gets pushed aside with concern and panic replacing it, his voice coming out as loud as it can while Sky's hand pulls back to charge her magic. "-OVER! MATCH IS OVER".

He quickly throws his body over the railing with ease while rushing up to Sky, his tranq gun finding its way to his hand and pointed straight at Mika incase she tries anything with half of the crowd yelling to let Oli die from his idiotic choice while the other panic about staff being in there with loose supernaturals. "Skyler!". Oli grabs a tight grip of the woman's shoulder as she growls, her teeth and nails dripping purple substance.

"Skyler snap out of it! Not towards the crowd!". Oli's eyes flicker to Mika for a moment before back to Sky as she growls and tries to force a step forward but Oli shoves her shoulder back to keep her in place. "Skyler!" - "-I hate that fucking name! I hate this place! I should kill every fucker in here with a dirty mouth! They should all be fucking killed!- ".

Oli frowns and shakes head." - No Sky. Is sky better? - you can't kill your way out of here! If you try to even hurt anyone in the crowd they'll kill you! They know you're stronger than a normal werewolf Sky you can't go killing anyone that's not an inmate just focus! Reel it back in Sky! What makes you happy? Surely you've someone you love outside of the facility- think of them". Sky growls at Oli but as she listens to him, her eyes begin glowing more yellow than red, starting to think about her kids.

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