Part 8

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♧~Ace Kirinoko~♧

Currently, Ace and Candy were sitting on the floor of the cell, playing a gambling game of sorts for the bag of sweets the guard bought. Who would've known he had just as big of a sweet tooth as his supernatural? His caygo buzzed again, so he pulled it out and read the message, a small smile appearing on his face.

- No problem. I was in the area. Don't worry, between the doctor and I, we'll make sure he never gets near you again. I'm doing well, although my sister's gone and done something stupid that I'll have to fix later -

Ace's messages were always pretty monotone. When he set the caygo down, his eyes landed on Candy, who had hid all of the candy away behind her, holding it like it was the most precious thing on the planet. "Candy!" Ace shouted. "You're supposed to share!" He laughed, running over to fight for his fair share of candy. They ran around in circles and did gymnastics around the room, defending their own little stash. Eventually, Candy yawned while she laid her head down on her pile of candy. "You tired? You should go to sleep," Ace spoke, putting a sucker in his mouth as he quietly closed the cell door. He pulled out his caygo to see if there were any updates on his sister. There were none...

"What on earth is she doing?" Ace groaned. Thinking about the situation made his head hurt. She'll turn up eventually, but until then, he figured he would go and pay a visit to her inmates. His boots clanked against the floor as he walked, his trenchant flying behind him. As soon as his boot set foot into the hallway, he was overwhelmed with the smell of death. "What the crap!" He rushed over to see the mutilated body of Carrie and looked to the side, wanting to hurl. "The crap did you guys do?" He pulled out his caygo and sent a message to the staff that the body needed to be taken away. Keith would likely need a new cell as well.

♧~Keith Kurai~♧

Keith could only manage to move his face and his fingertips, movement slowly returning to him. His entire body felt tingly. "I was confused as well... but the thing is - Luke doesn't have Scar with him right now, leaving him human," Keith explained softly. Around his eye was an upside down tear tattoo, except now he had real tears streaming down his face. It was unnatural for him and a bit uncomfortable at first, but now that he's let it all out, he feels slightly calmer. Was this why Mika cried all of the time? It was awfully therapeutic. As soon as Luke came around the corner, Keith's eyes were filled with tears again. "It was scary," Keith mumbled through his tears, finding comfort in Luke's embrace. He never hugged people was kind of nice..

The demon stayed silent while the two spoke about Dante, his arms finally regaining enough feeling for him to wipe his tears away. His eyelids felt heavy from crying so much. His years' worth of tears saving was gone. "Mika? A watch list? What do you mean?!" Keith raised his voice in worry. "Then again, she did just suddenly get up and leave. I have no idea where she went.." Keith's voice gradually went soft while he spoke, his hands shaking slightly.

Hearing Carrie's name instantly brought happiness to Keith. At least, that was until he remembered what happened just moments ago. This happiness went to horror as Carrie's body had begun to form, only to be a shriveled corpse with falling organs. His eyes filled with fear. There was no way that was her! The splat her body made when it hit the ground was so audible. It sounded like you stepped into a muddle of mud... but this was no muddle of mud. It wasn't even a body at this rate. It was a flimsy sack of skin and organs. Keith went pale (although his complexion is already pretty pale) and he closed his eyes, unable to look at the corpse of the once lively fairy that he admired. His body shook when he heard Ace's voice.

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