This was very different from the parties in high school. Some of the most dangerous men and women stood with elegance and calculated eyes as they judged and traded information with the hope of a chance to further their partnerships and connections.

Men with suit ties too tight rapidly play through classical songs as though a knife was held directly above their heads while couples danced around the ballroom.

The ballroom was a grand space, with high ceilings and sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm glow over the room. The first thing that caught your eye was the open middle of the room, where the dance floor was located. The second and third floors were only half a floor, allowing guests to watch the dancing from above. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and paintings, adding to the room's elegance.

I walked over to a small bar located along the wall. Alcohol is a key contributor to loosening the lips of the drinker. I sit down next to a large group of younger women and men.

"Did you hear about how one of the capo's sons of the Japanese Mafia turned out to be gay?"

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I heard a series of gasps of horror.

"How disgusting! They are spreading their disease around like the plague. Do you know what happened to him?"

"From the last information I got was that he was marrying some girl from their mafia."

"Oh I feel so bad for that girl, she is going to have a hard time trying to cure that disease, but at least he got help. Don't you remember that one kid who was supposed to be the heir, but those homos got to him first?"

"Oh yeah, his family was ruthless disowning him and sending him away with the disease. Don't they know it could spread?"

"Damn fuckers," a new voice mutters out directly next to me. I flip around to see the face of my ex.

My voice was barely above a whisper, but the force of my words pierced through the air like a knife. "What the hell?!"

It seems like the man was caught off guard by my sudden appearance too. He quickly said the question I had in my mind. "Luke, what are you doing here? You know what, never mind, nothing about you surprises me anymore."

I scan the room for a suitable spot and spot a table near the balcony that seems perfect for a conversation. I make my way over there, weaving through the crowd of people.

Once I reach my destination, I settle into my seat and watch and he takes the seat across from me. It was the perfect spot because from my vantage point, I can see the whole ballroom and observe everyone's movements, while being able to talk in peace.

"I am guessing you are part of the French Mafia, based on how good your French is." He says, switching to English for this conversation.

"Your guess would be correct," I reply, not caring now if he knew. I knew he wasn't the killer and I knew I could trust him to keep his mouth shut. "And you're the heir to the American mafia, impressive."

"You have something you want to add to that."

"Not really," I reply, giving him a derisive smile.

"Welcoming the new Don of the French Mafia and his family," an announcer says over the microphone as my family walks down the main steps and into the awaiting crowd of hungry sharks waiting to test out the new meat. Next to my brother though, is a woman in a long flowy green dress that compliments her tan skin and chestnut hair. It's true.

"It's no wonder I couldn't find a lot of information about you. You look just like your oldest brother with your eyes. Well, when you aren't wearing contacts that is."

He continues to talk, but I don't care as my eyes dance around the ground floor till I find the one person I am looking for dancing with some girl. My eyes zero in unknowingly as I watch him in his all-black suit spin the girl in a light pink dress around the dance floor elegantly probably encapturing her heart as he does.

My attention is abruptly drawn back to the man sitting beside me as he asks a question. "Was he the one you..." he says before trailing off.

Without waiting for my response, he shrugs, "I have sources you know." He swirls the red wine around in the glass and takes a sip. His gaze then shifts to Aiden, "You know, that man looks bored. But of course, I'm not going to tell you what you already know." His eyes meet mine as he continues, "You know there was a reason for the breakup. Don't make that mistake again by letting him slip through your fingers."

He takes another sip of his wine, finishing it, and adds, "Just know that you can ask me for help whenever you may need it." He starts to stand up. "Farewell for now." He pushes away from the table and walks over to the stairs leaving me to decipher his cryptic words.


AN: Thank you for 1k+ reads!

AN: Thank you for 1k+ reads!

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