Come Back... Be Here

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"Hey Becca how's the–" Mobius stopped when he didn't see Rebecca sitting at her desk.

Mobius looked around knowing it has been a hard time for her lately and didn't see her anywhere. He headed back to his desk and saw a letter that was written to him in Rebecca's handwriting. Mobius set his coffee cup down and picked it up, sighing.

Dear Mobius,

I don't even know how to write this letter to you. I'm so sorry that I'm doing this to you after we lost him. It's been too hard being in this place because everything reminds me of him. By the time you are reading this I will be back on my original timeline and continuing my path on finding my brother. If you try to find me with the TemPad I stole it won't work. I rewired it to throw you off my trails. I just wanted to let you know how much you have meant to me Mobius. My mentor, my friend, my father figure... I hope you knew I looked up to you in that way. All the time and effort you put in helping me to become an analyst like you. I know you are going to be mad at me for doing this, but I know he's alive, Mobius. I saw my best friend alive after I thought he was dead for years. I'll make sure no Nexus event sets off.

I'm so sorry Mobius for doing this to you. I wish I could have stayed but I want to finish my goal to find Bucky. I hope you won't stay mad at me forever. Maybe one day in the future our paths will cross once more.

With love,

Rebecca W. Barnes

B-15 looked over and saw a tear rolling down Mobius' face and a letter in his hand, "Hey, you. You okay?" B-15 asked walking over to check in on Mobius.

"I, uh, got those reports on the Variants of He Who Remains," Mobius said quickly putting Rebecca's letter down and handing B-15 the files.

"Do any of them know that we exist yet?"

"Nope, I guess one of 'em caused a little bit of ruckus on 616 adjacent realm, but they handled it. So, we're all good for now."

"That's all we can ask for. Are you headed up?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I'll meet you up there..." Mobius said looking back down at Rebecca's letter and knew one day in the future he will find her once more to tell her how much he appreciated her and how he looks to her like the daughter he never had.

Author's note

y'all i cried whenever I wrote this last episode! I hope y'all have enjoyed Rebecca's journey!

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