Purpose is Glorious

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Rebecca was walking towards the Loom to meet up with the rest of the group after going to grab something from her room

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Rebecca was walking towards the Loom to meet up with the rest of the group after going to grab something from her room. Suddenly Loki appeared right in front of her causing her to jump, "Becca?" Loki said slowly, putting her hands on her shoulders.

"Loki? I thought you were with the others?" Rebecca asked.

"This is going to sound strange... but the TVA is in danger. You are just figuring everything out right now. But I know the answer for how to fix the Loom. I know how to fix it. It's a failsafe. The sole purpose of the Loom was to protect the Sacred Timeline. And that's why what you are planning on doing with scaling and everything doesn't work out.

"I- I don't understand. Are you saying there's no way to stop the Loom–"

"There is. I learned how to control my time slipping.  I tried so many different ways. I went back and had the opportunity to stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains. The only way that any of this survives..."

"If Sylvie never killed He Who Remains," Rebecca said, realizing what he was getting at. Rebecca was trying to understand what Loki was telling her, "You said there is another way..."

"Yes," Loki said knowing the choice he was about to make meant he wouldn't be able to live a life with Rebecca.

Rebecca felt her eyes watering not understanding what Loki was trying to tell her, "Loki. What does it mean? What do you have to do?"

"I can rewrite time–"


"I can fix this..."

Rebecca shook her head realizing what he was saying, "No, Loki you can't do it."

"I have to my love, this is the only way," Loki told Rebecca.

"There has to be another way! Am I able to help you?"

"No, you can't. I have to do this myself, darling," Loki said as he pulled Rebecca into a hug and held her tightly as she began to cry.

At this moment, she knew what Loki would have to do but could bring herself to understand that she would be having to say goodbye to him. She looked up and placed a hand on his cheek as the two gazed into each other's eyes. Rebecca felt heaviness in her chest as this was the final chapter in their love story together. They would never get to grow old and have a family together. Rebecca wished there was another way that this story could end.

Loki leaned down and kissed Rebecca. As their lips met in a blend of passion and in sorrow. Time seemed to stand still in this moment between him and Rebecca like there was nothing in the world that could separate them from each other.

It was hard for Loki to pull apart from Rebecca as the two looked at one another, "I'm so sorry I'm doing this to you," Loki told his love.

"Lo- Loki, no matter where I am you'll always be with me," Rebecca whispered, taking his hand into her own. "I realized since you gave me a bit of your magic, you'll always be with me no matter where I go. 'Til the end of the line," Rebecca whispered.

"'Til the end of the line," Loki whispered back.

"I will always love you in every timeline. Go be the god I know you are supposed to be," Rebecca told him.

"I love you Rebecca Barnes," Loki said one final time.

"I love you Loki Laufeyson," Rebecca whispered as Loki disappeared.


Loki ended up in the moment right before the Loom was destroyed. The moment he had been trying to change for so long and finally knew how to change it. Go be the god I know you are. Loki heard Rebecca's words over and over in his mind.

Loki turned and looked over at his friends with a sad smile knowing he wouldn't be with them anymore. He turned to Rebecca who stood beside him watching the Loom, "Becca, I'm sorry," Loki whispered as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Loki?" Rebecca whispered, not understanding why he was sorry.

"I love you. No matter where you are I'll always be with you," Loki told her as he took his hand off of her.

Loki suddenly took off running down the stairs and closed the blast doors with his magic. "Loki!" Rebecca cried out as she quickly followed him down the stairs.

"Loki!" Mobius yelled hearing Rebecca yelling his name and seeing what was happening.

Mobius and Sylvie ran after Rebecca concerned about what Loki was doing. Rebecca was banging on the door crying out, "No, Loki!"

At one point she even tried to use her magic on the door but it was no use as Mobius and Sylvie joined her. The three started to hit the door trying to stop Loki from what he was about to do.

"Loki, what are you doing?" Sylvie asked.

"Open the door!" Mobius yelled out.

"Loki," Rebecca cried out.

Loki turned around to face the three who were on the other side of the door, "I know what I want. I know what kind of god I need to be. For you. For all of us," Loki said as he looked at Rebecca as her words she spoke to him played in his mind.

"Loki!" Rebecca said through her sobs. "Loki, please I love you," Rebecca yelled out as Loki looked at Rebecca for the last time and she could see his eyes begin to water as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry my love," Loki told her as he turned around to face the door to the Loom.

Loki used his magic to open the door. He stepped into the Loom and walked forward. Rebecca sobbed as she watched him walk out into the radiation filled room, "I love you, I love you, come back to me," Rebecca cried out before she ran back up stairs to see what Loki was doing.

As Loki was becoming the god of stories and fixing the Sacred Timeline, the timelines all started to form around Loki becoming a tree shape instead of a line. Loki looked out and saw Rebecca looking at him and smiled as he sat down on his throne and knew she would be safe now. No harm from the timelines will come her way. The only person Loki ever had deeply cared for is safe. He loved her no matter what timeline they were in. And a piece of him will always be there with Rebecca to protect her.

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