Among the Arc Sisters, Jean and Alex aren't too happy about this. This is due to them refusing to believe their weakling of a brother became this powerful. They hated the fact he ran away from home and forged fake transcripts to go Beacon, an act they know, will make the Clan look weak.

Jean: Are you kidding me?! Why are the Elders doing such an act?!

Alex: Yeah, we need to bring our Disgraceful Brother back home and seal his Aura!! He does not deserve that kind of power after what he did!!

Aqua: Both of you calm down, why are you upset about this? Can't you be happy for Jaune?

Madison: Jaune's Semblance is considered the most powerful in all of Remnant, and is now documented as the first ever Sentient Semblance to ever exist.

Morgan: People won't be happy if we try to get rid of it. This Semblance can save a lot of people and the fact you two refuse to believe Jaune has potential and is ready to face the world, shows you are jealous of him or never believed in him from the start.

Alex: Really now? Then why were you actively sabotaging his dream with us before he went to Beacon?

Jade: We weren't, we were just pulling an act. Us five were helping him keep tabs to make sure you two, Father, and Mother, don't go ruining his dream, like you did many times.

Aqua: Indeed, we were there to help him while the rest of our family didn't. Goes to show who the real sisters are, as Saphorn would say.

This in turn, angered both Jean and Alex, as the two stormed out of the house.

Aqua: Are they gone?

Madison looks over at the windows to see Alex and Jean walking towards one of the Arc Compounds.

Madison: They're gone.

Aqua: Good. Now then, Jade. I saw the look of worry on your face, I take it the Elders have something planned against Jaune? We saw the footage and I'm worried on the kind of powers, Jaune will get if he were to use it against the Arc Clan.

Jade: They do, like I said, if Jaune refuses the offer, the Elders will send Chronos to bring him in forcefully. Even sent Baldor and Kranz to send a message if he were to refuse.

Madison: Damn it, this is bad.

Morgan: Yes, we need to get to Jaune before those two do. I have sinking feeling if we don't get there in time, Jaune will consider the Arc Clan his enemy and may destroy us. Like you said, I fear his Summons are far stronger than the Arc Clan and Chronos.

Aqua: Then it's best we do the same as Jaune, disobey the Elders and leave.

Morgan: But what if the Elders come after us?

Jade: I have a feeling Jaune's Summons have the necessary skills and abilities to protect us, should the Elders try something. I have faith Jaune will ensure our safety if we tell him the truth. It's best we contact Saphron and inform her about this.

Aqua: Yup, let's go, girls. We have a short time frame before anyone else gets an idea on what we're doing.

The five Arc Sisters nod, rushing to their rooms to pack and hopefully, save the Arc Clan from an agonizing death.

Beacon Academy: Team JNPR Mansion

A large set of loud banging can be heard on the front door as it's revealed to be none other than Blake, with her Team behind her.

Blake: Jaune, open the door!! Open this damn door now!!

Ever since the Docks Incident, the minute they arrived back in Beacon, Blake rushed over to the JNPR Mansion and demanded Jaune to come out so he can answer for his crimes on killing the White Fang. She has been doing this for the past 30 minutes, with her Team trying to stop her. But it fell into deaf ears as Blake continues to bang the doors.

Jaune: Fate Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt