Fable of Pinocchio VI: The Merriest Christmas in Krat

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P woke up with a chill down his spine. An unbearable cold was making him shiver. It was strange. He couldn't remember ever having a sense of temperature since his skin is wooden.

He was back in the hotel room that Sophia and him had used for ergo refinement. His Legion Arm was gone, and on his bedside drawer was a basic replacement limb. Had they taken his arm in his sleep? P didn't exactly have a problem with it. Legion Arms were heavy. If going without an arm wasn't so terribly inefficient, he'd actually prefer it.

His clothes were different as well. He was wearing cotton trousers and a white shirt.

'My coat too? What won't they steal?' P was sad about his favorite blue blood trenchcoat being gone, but he had to admit, the new clothes were certainly comfortable.

As P crawled out of bed and put on the temporary arm, he identified the source of the cold air. The window was left open, and it was a beautiful view. Snow was falling down over the entire city of Krat. White powder so thick that it almost covered all the corpses of humans and puppets in the streets.

"P?" A voice called from outside the door. Immediately, he could tell it was Sophia, even though the thick wooden door. "Are you awake?"

But, one more voice chimed in. "Oh, come on! I hardly get to see him since my training with Venigni started, let me wake him up!" Eugénie complained with a certain type of frustration that P could always relate to, so picking up on her mannerisms was easy.

"Hey, technically, I spend the most time with him!" A third voice interjected. P chuckled, because no matter how much time Gemini spent with him, nothing he could say would get through the competition between Sophia and Eugénie.

"Oh for the love of-" A fourth voice said as the door swung open. "Get your ass out of bed, you have school!"

Geppetto's big fatherly announcement caused a certain twinge of pain in P's heart. However, the boy was used to the feeling. It had become his primary way to differentiate between him and Carlo.

Suddenly, a crowd of people funneled into P's room. Starting with Geppetto, then Eugénie, then Sophia who was holding Gemini, and finishing with Venigni.

"It's fine, I hate waking up to peace and quiet." P said with a smile.

Immediately, Eugénie tackled P to the ground.

"Good morning you sassy puppet bastard!" She exclaimed while putting him in a chokehold. P allowed the play fighting to proceed, even though he knew at least sixty eight ways to escape the hold and crush her trachea.

"Eugénie, he just got out of bed!" Sophia said, but then sensed that P was having fun, so she just smiled and allowed Eugénie to try to choke somebody that doesn't have to breath.

"Stranger Girl, go for his joints." Venigni critiqued.

Eugénie did as instructed and pinned P against his own shoulder. P then  stood up and calmly placed her on the bed with one arm.

"I made you better than that." Geppetto scolded, prompting a look of confused betrayal on P's face. At least until he added, "Put her in a leg lock. No mercy, son!"

Eugénie's eyes widened with fear as P picked her up, slammed her on the ground, and put her in a perfect leg lock with a proud smile on his face.

"Ow!" Eugénie cried, "The hell did they make you out of?!"

Geppetto opened his mouth to brag about his accomplishments, but Sophia got there first.

"Mostly steel, copper, wood, plus a bit of titanium, gold, and glass for his P-Organ." She answered without thinking.

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