Remnant II: Same Puppet, Different Strings

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Three people were sitting at a table. Every curtain in the house was shut tightly and each door was bolted. On one side of the table was two men, one an engineer with curious eyes, the other a general who looked concerned. On the other side was a ginger puppet who just looked happy to be there.

"Can I help you two with something?" Penny asked, it's joyous smile only serving to make the general more skeptical.

Polendina cleared his throat and replied warmly, "Let's start with basics. Do you know who we are?"

Penny nodded excitedly, "Would you like a detailed explanation?"

Ironwood raised an eyebrow. "Yes, we would." He said, still finding the puppet's overwhelming positivity to be off-putting.

Penny's smile suddenly dropped, and she stood completely still. The general instinctively drew his pistol. Polendina's eyes widened.

"James, what the hell are you doing?!" He asked loudly.

"Exercising caution." The general responded, holding the pistol but keeping it on safety and his finger off the trigger. Gun safety is important children, no matter what situation you're in.

"I don't appreciate you pulling a gun on her, even if it's for the sake of caution!" Polendina retorted, "Put the damn gun away!"

"Her?" Ironwood asked in accusing tone, "We don't even know if it can think!"

The two began to bicker about the person sitting across from them. Meanwhile, Penny seemed to return to it's senses. It's smile returned, and started to speak without getting their attention.

"James Ironwood, graduate of the Atlas Huntsmen Academy and now the general of Atlas." The two stopped arguing and started listening. Penny continued, "You have no living relatives or family and spend much of your time devoted to the people. Other interesting trivia, you have a prosthetic arm! Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information about the injury itself that wasn't redacted."

The two men gave the puppet a state of disbelief. Polendina's face quickly morphed into glee, and he pumped his fists into the air. Ironwood's face was surprised, which turned to more skepticism.

"And your synopsis of Pietro?" The general asked, narrowing his eyes.

Penny wasted no time delivering it's summary. "Pietro Polendina, current head engineer of the Atlesian Military after a gas leak caused the passing of  Arthur Watts, the previous head engineer." Then, it gave an innocent smile and added, "I, however, know you as my creator. Or, in simpler terms, my father."

Polendina's excited expression was soured by the reminder of what happened to Arthur. He swallowed his feelings and started to clap.

"Extraordinary..." He whispered wondrously, taking notes on his scroll.

Ironwood leaned forward and gave the puppet an intense stare, "And do you have any concept of authority, Penny?"

The puppet's smile didn't waver, despite the accusing nature of Ironwood's question, "As a minor, my greatest authority figure would be my guardian. Of course, under any legal matters or governmental affairs, I'd be required to take commands from you, general."

Ironwood started to realize that his aggression, while justified, was pointless. The puppet seemed to show little care for it, and it's friendly demeanor was cause enough for the general to calm down. He holstered his pistol and extended his hand.

"I apologize for my rudeness, Penny Polendina." Ironwood said, offering a small smile.

"Your apology is accepted, sir!" Penny responded while enthusiastically shaking his hand.

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