Chapter 1

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10 years later

Ridhaan stared at the building of bricks and mortar that he called home. It felt familiar but still alien.


He looked towards the entrance to see his mother standing with brimmed eyes and open arms.

He rushed towards her motherly embrace.  It has been years since he found solace in his mother's arms and it felt like heaven.

" Ridhaan...look at you...Have you not been taking care of yourself? How thin you became?"   She asked surreptitiously wiping away the tears threatening to fall down.

" Ma....Thin and me... I think you should get your eyes checked up....maybe your age is showing up " Ridhaan teased

"Ouch ...Ma...." he shout out not expecting the sudden whack.

"I am not 20 for you to whack me like this....I too have some respect..." Ridhaan complained , ironically forgetting his age.

"Then act your age and whom did you call old. Even today if I walk beside you, people will refer me as your elder sister" Ridhaan's mother, Priya stated proudly

" Why elder sister? My beautiful mother still can pass as my younger sister" Ridhaan replied while cheekily pulling her cheek.



Ridhaan's heart skipped a beat on hearing HER voice. With emotions sky rocketing , he turned to face her after a gap of 7 years.

As their eyes clashed, the years just melted away . They became the same old Ridhu and Anu.

With a smile on his face he walked towards his Anu as she stood there with a similar smile mirrored on her face.

They stood facing each other. Their eyes engaged in a conversation of their own. Even though they were in touch but seeing each other in front was another feeling altogether.

Both of them felt tongue tied for a moment.

" How are you, Anu?" Finally, Ridhaan broke the reverie.


With a charming smile, he twirled around and ended in a SRK pose and asked back,

" What do you think?"

"Perfect as ever"

Then they both break out in laughter.

Priya saw their interaction and could only thank god that the years and distance didn't break their bond.

The past 10 years have not been kind to that innocent girl. If she had any idea about what was being conspired under her roof, she would have moved heaven and earth before letting such an injustice happen but none was the wiser.

As a mother she knows as much as Anu needs Ridhaan , Ridhaan needs Anu more. With a silent prayer, she moved towards the pair.

" Shall we go inside or are we going to complete the talk here only?" Priya asked as she reached them.

"Aree.....Come inside ,Ridhu . You must be tired after all the traveling. You freshen up while I get you snacks and coffee"

"Make me your famous paneer parathe....I missed those a lot, yaar...My mouth is watering just thinking about the same...."

"No need to butter me up....I have already made the preparation for the same as I knew this would be your first request after landing"

After a friendly pat to his shoulder and a smile Anu went inside.

But instead of moving inside, Ridhaan stood staring at her even after she disappeared from sight.

" Ridhaan" Priya's gentle voice brought him out of his stupor.

" Why, Ma....? Why it happened to my Anu? How could God be so cruel? For a moment , I didn't even recognize her, Ma.... She always was so colourful  but now seeing her in this white is breaking my heart."

"It's destiny,  Ridhaan. Our hands are tied before HIM...."

Priya wiped away the lone tear that fell from her son's eyes. She know that her son is very sensitive when it comes to his Anu ,so she did the only thing she could offer for now.

"Ridhaan, she doesn't need your sympathy. She needs her friend....her Ridhu....Only you can bring back her lost charm and smile. Won't you do that for your guiding star ?"

Ridhaan glanced at his Ma while pondering over her words .

With deep breath and determination , he gazed back at the door through which Anu disappeared and vowed,

" Of course,Ma...Is that even a question....I couldn't be there when she needed me the most but now I am never going to leave her alone. I WILL bring back MY Anu "

As he said those words, a shooting star streaked across the sky.

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