Chapter 21: The Night of The Dead

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Globin green creatures roam the streets, tearing apart nearby human heads. Blood smeared on the roads with smashed organs like livers clumped together in piles. Detached pieces of body parts scattered around the city. Flames reaching over a hundred meters on are the only light source that's lighting up this city. Small itty bitty street lamps aren't enough to light the place up. Broken glass from the windows of the buildings are everywhere and damaged interiors of cars are left abandoned. The sound of the alarm rings, blasting all over the speakers. Screams and yelling are heard all around. This is the apocalypse.

Bandages wrapped around my arm tightly. The smell of gasoline and blood drift in the air, what a disgusting but motivating smell. Mirabel, Trevor, Alex, and Sandra are down there on the ground shooting the hell out of those green monstrous beasts, their heads dropping one by one. At the east side of the city, Bradley and Adam fight back to back against the herd of zombies as Naomi and Eliot handle the west. I watch them all tackle the zombies from above in a tall half-destroyed building, seeing all the chaos emerge. Watching it all happen from above makes me crave killing these beasts myself. The flesh of their inhuman on the tip of my sword, blood trickling down from it. The adrenaline is pumping through my veins, I'm thrilled. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I don't care. If I die or live, I don't care. I'm not letting this extraordinary and absolutely thrilling event go to waste.

"You ready Sora?" Kevin asks, wrapping another layer of bandages around his leg.

"Born ready".

Kevin tosses me a black grappling hook gun. All I do is shoot at the building I want to swing over to, jump, and I'll fly over this city with no troubles whatsoever of getting eaten by these beasts. I pull the trigger of the gun, blasting the grappling hook to the nearest building. I jump. Gliding through the air, attracting dozens of zombies on the ground to start chasing me but they'll never be able to touch me, I'm loving this it feels as though I'm a daredevil. I land onto the building's rooftop, peering down at Sandra and Trevor shooting the heads of the zombies. The Jumbotron displays pictures of the zombies breaking through the north part of Los Angeles. In big red text, it says to keep hidden in your homes and find a safe place to stay. Pff.. as if I would do that. Just got to keep doing what Symphia told me to do. Maybe what she said was right, we'll have to see.

. . .

"Are there any ways I can possibly avoid dying?"

"You are already keeping your guard up. Maybe try letting loose, have fun in the nightmare, so maybe the nightmare can turn into a good dream instead of a bad one".

"Would that even work?"

"Who knows? You'll be the first to find Sora!"

. . .

It's worth a try to do something different. Kevin glides right over to me, breathing heavily.

"Okay that was terrifying. You made it look like it wasn't!"

I can't help but laugh.

"Ugh!" Kevin yelps in pain.

"What's the matter Kevin? Is your leg bothering you?"
"Yeah, I guess. I cut it deep when practicing with the grappling hook earlier".

"Does it hurt when you walk?"



I shouldn't put my frustrations on him, not all the Kevin's I see in my nightmares is my consciousness..I'm assuming..

I picked Kevin's body up and held him with both my hands. His face reddens but not quite sure what I did that made his face red.

"Are you sure this is necessary?"

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