interlude: rain

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Surprise! ;)


With five days off, you and Levi settle into a bit of a routine. 

It's a little bit strange. You've been used to foraging for things on your own, making food on your own, and talking to yourself. Now, you say something aloud and another voice actually responds- and the first time it happens, you think you've finally gone mad. But no, it's just Levi, responding to your random thought.

Your thoughts are normally met with annoyance or indignation, but he's not insulting you as much as he was when you first met him, so you'll take it. Plus, he's efficient as hell when it comes to looking through empty stores and buildings. You get through more and faster.

Within the first two days, you've collected so much in the way of food and supplies that you feel like one of those doomsday preppers. "Isn't this a bit overkill?" you ask when you've raided your fifth pharmacy.

"Shit expires and people get injured," is all Levi says, and you really can't argue, so you don't.

With hefty bags crammed full, you and Levi start the walk back to your apartment. Your range has expanded slightly since there's not much left to find within the vicinity, so the walks back to your place get a bit longer every day. 

God, you're sweating. You've taken to wearing gloves whenever you can, just to hide your injury, but now your fingers feel sweaty. "Head south tomorrow?" you suggest, catching a glimpse of the setting sun between tall buildings.

"Anything good?" Levi asks.

"A few supermarkets," you say, but you frown. "Probably all rotten or gone through already. There's another mall, but I can't remember what stores are there. But there's got to be something. Oh! There's a bookstore in that mall, that would be fun. Actually..." you pause, looking to your right. "Actually, I think there's a bookstore near here."

You glance at Levi; he's frowning at you. "We're already full," he says, gesturing to your backpack. "No point."

"I have hands," you insist, raising your hands up in the air. "I can carry books and still pepper spray you."

That gets you an eye roll. "How far?" Levi asks with a sigh.

Your eyes light up. "Not even a minute."

He groans but you're already turning down a side street, almost jogging as you try to remember where exactly the bookstore is. You half expect him to stay in the street, but you hear footsteps behind you, so he's actually tagging along. You've gone through most of the books in your apartment- you had some, but not enough- and reading by candlelight in the evenings before you go to bed has become a part of your routine.

Your eyes skim the signs above the shops, run down and some broken to a point where you can't read what they say anymore, but you find the bookstore anyways. It looks surprisingly intact, and through the windows, you can see full shelves inside.

"Jackpot," you say excitedly, pulling the door open. "Oh my god!"

With no idea whether Levi's followed you inside or not, you drop your pack to the ground to relieve your shoulders and you skip towards the shelves. A few books on a display table catch your eye but you only study them for a moment before you find the fantasy section and you find yourself skimming over the books that are there.

There's enough here to keep you occupied for months. Months! Maybe you should move out of your apartment and move in here. Oh, you can envision it now: your bed in that far corner, set up a kitchen behind the cashier's desk-


You look to Levi, who's standing in the doorway. "Well, what?"

He gestures lamely to the bookshelves. "Grab one and let's go."

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