interlude: stitches

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You stare stupidly at Levi's bloodied body for a full five or ten seconds before you figure out how to move.

"Levi," you say, which is obviously not the smartest thing to say to someone who's clearly just passed out. "Oh my god, Levi!"

It finally clicks for you when you see just how much blood there actually is. It's starting to pool on the floor, undoubtedly staining the hardwood. The pepper spray tumbles from your hands as you step out into the hallway, crouching down next to Levi in the hallway. "Levi," you hiss, but he's definitely passed out.

Shit, shit, shit. What do you do? Okay, you've got to get him inside. Levi's collapsed on his stomach, and you can see blood blossoming on his back, on his right side. Shit.

You lift his shirt, then nearly gag. It's so bloody that you can't even see where the wound is.

"What the fuck is wrong with you," you say aloud, not sure if you're saying it to yourself or Levi. You decide to say it to Levi, because he can't hear you. "Showing up at my door out of nowhere? When I haven't seen you in a week? And you're- you're dying," you add as you manage to flip him over. Blood's all over his front too- again, his right side. There's blood on his forehead too. "And you're soaked," you say in disbelief. "Why are you soaked? It's not raining."

You manage to get your hands under Levi's arms, and you pull. Maybe it's adrenaline, but he's lighter than you expected. You pull him through your doorway and into your main room; then, you carefully lay him down again. You're not about to pull him onto your carpet or couch when he's bleeding everywhere.

"You're insane," you say, this time to yourself- and you stand up, rushing to the door to shut it. You have no idea how he was injured, and even though a game is the most likely, you're not ruling out that he might've been followed. Next, you grab one of your pillows from the couch and carefully lift Levi's head to slide it underneath.

Levi groans softly, but you still think he's passed out. His hand is still on his side, like it's clamped there. Swallowing hard, you lift his shirt again. God, it's bad.

"Okay," you say. "Stop the bleeding. Towels? Towels."

You rush to your bathroom and pull open one of the drawers where you store your towels and you grab one, then think again and grab a second one. Your eyes fall on the massive first aid kit on the bathroom counter- stolen on one of your many thieving expeditions in the past week or so- and you grab that too.

Cleaning Levi up takes a long, long time. You have to shift Levi on his uninjured side because the wound seems to wrap around his torso, so you keep a towel pressed to him in an effort to slow the bleeding. He's got a cut on his forehead too, which is small, but it won't stop bleeding- which is hellishly annoying, because if you could get that one patched up, you could pay full attention to his side.

Eventually, it does, and you manage to take a bandage from your first aid kit and seal the forehead cut off. You've long since had to ditch the first towel you used on his side, soaked through with crimson, but the second towel is having much more success. His bleeding has slowed significantly, and you think you'll be able to wrap it up soon. Or at the very least, see what his injury even is. You've been too busy cleaning up blood.

"Alright, asshole," you mutter to yourself. "What did you do?"

Slowly, you move the towel away, wiping up some last bits of blood as you go.

Fuck's sake- are those teeth marks?

It genuinely looks like an animal tried to bite into his side. There's a ring of teeth marks from something with a decently large jaw, a bunch of lines set out in a semi circle. You examine his back: the ones there don't look as deep, but they're still there.

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