two of hearts

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Is that it?

That can't be it.

Hange and Erwin are long gone, leaving you to spiral on the street outside of the warehouse with this massive bucket of trauma dumped on you. You just got blasted by what felt like a tornado, escaped a bull, watched a girl burn to death, watched another die of snakebite...

You still can't completely wrap your head around it. 

With a headache pulsing in your skull, you manage to force your feet to move, guiding yourself in what you think is the rough direction to your apartment. Maybe you can go to bed, and when you wake up, this whole nightmare will be over.

Someone says something, and it takes you a minute to realize that the only person who could be speaking is Levi, and the only person he could be talking to is you. You blink yourself out of your trance. "Sorry," you say, looking back to Levi. "What was that?"

He stares at you for a second, then looks like he's stifling a groan as he asks, "do you live here?"

You blink. "...Like, in the warehouse?"

You're still so overwhelmed by the fact that you nearly just died in a damn game that you don't even think to ring alarm bells about stranger danger. You're alone in what seems like a completely abandoned version of the city you're used to, with the only other person in sight being a man you met less than an hour ago. A stranger who seems very physically capable of taking you down if he wanted to.

Stranger danger? You're too wired to think straight. "No, dumbass," Levi says, crossing his arms. "In the city. Paradis."

You straighten up. "Oh. Yes?" Why else would you be here? Unless... "you don't?"

He doesn't answer right away, which tells you that you're right. How the hell did he end up here if he doesn't even live in the city? You don't even know how you got here or how this happened. "I was visiting friends," Levi says eventually. "We were going to get the subway- the one in that big ass square. That big crossing? They both went through and I had to get a ticket, and it was like I fucking blinked. Everything was deserted."

"Sina Square?" you ask, frowning, but when Levi just stares at you stupidly, you realize that he probably has no idea of any names. "Uh, big fountain in the middle? Roundabout so complex that you're not sure how there's not millions of traffic accidents every day? It's a miracle pedestrians don't get hit frequently?"

"Sounds like the one."

Weird. That's the same plaza you were headed through when you'd found yourself here. "That's what happened to me too," you say, fiddling with your fingers. "In that square. Crossing one of the streets, was trying to do too much at once, someone ran into me and I dropped my phone- then, here. Streets were empty."

"Same area," Levi repeats. "Not a coincidence." 

Probably not, no. But still... "I'm sorry," you say with a sigh, pressing your hands to the sides of your head. "I don't have the energy for this right now. I can barely wrap my head around the fact that we just- we just had to play a game to avoid dying and we have two days before we have to do it again. I can't try and figure out why we're here."

He looks away, crossing his arms. How quickly he'd moved to push you down from getting hit by that bull, how willing he was to distract it so you could all get away... he's fast, strong, and clearly a bit stupid. Selfless, maybe, but for people he didn't know? You'll call it stupid.

"Have you seen anyone else here?" You blink stupidly for a moment, not realizing he's talking to you- dumbass, you're the only other one here- before you tell him no, not besides the ones from the game you were just in. "Do you know anyone named Isabel Magnolia? Farlan Church?"

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