two of clubs (1)

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I'm back!!

Thank you all for your patience and welcome to another dystopian monster of a fic- an Alice in Borderland AU! If you haven't seen it, I highly highly recommend- but you could technically read this and skate by. It's so good though, so I really do recommend. 

Full author's note at the end. XOXO all my love !!


"Isabel, don't- you're going to get hit by a car."

Levi's shoulders slump in relief as Farlan seizes the back of Isabel's collar, stopping her from running into traffic. "It's fine, Big Bro," Isabel complains, swiping Farlan's hand off of her. "There's no cars coming!"

"It's the city square, idiot," Farlan chides, poking her. "There's always cars!"

Sure enough, a stream of cars hit the intersection, crossing the road right where Isabel would've been walking. "You're a dumbass," Levi tells her. "Now, you're not a dead dumbass."

"Fine, fine," she says with a huff, crossing her arms. "Sorry, sorry. Just so much to show Levi and so little time!"

"Lots of time," Levi says dryly.

"He can visit again too, if he doesn't get to see everything," Farlan says, grinning at Isabel and then at Levi. "Right? C'mon, Paradis City isn't that far from where you are, you were only on the train for a few hours. You can visit more often."

"Yeah!" Isabel pipes up, one of her red pigtails coming loose. She raises her hands to her head to fix it. "There's lots to do here, Big Bro! You have to come visit us more!"

Levi raises his eyebrows. "Do I have to listen to you complain all the time?"

"I'll stop the complaining! I promise!"

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"Green light," Farlan says, gesturing to the crosswalk. "Let's go."

As Isabel and Farlan pave the way through the massive crowd crossing the road from the other side, Levi lets his head tip back and he studies the square around him. Skyscrapers, rising much higher than he's used to seeing the small town he's living in; billboards on the sides of said skyscrapers, playing everything from cellphone advertisements to movie trailers. 

He's not a city person. It's too busy, too crowded, too chaotic- but ever since Isabel and Farlan moved here a few months ago, they've been begging him to visit. He finally gave in.

"Fireworks!" Isabel chirps excitedly, pointing up at the sky.

Sure enough, bright fireworks are going off, and they don't look like they're that far from the city center. "Who the hell is setting off fireworks in the middle of the day?" he asks.

"Someone with too much time on their hands," Farlan says with a shake of his head. "Here, stairs."

Levi wouldn't go as far as saying he hates it, but he'd quite literally rather walk for two hours than take the subway. "Do you know how unsanitary this is?" he grumbles as Farlan and Isabel lead him down the stairs to get to the city's underground subway. 

"No, but you'll probably tell us anyways," Isabel says brightly.

"Don't deny it, we know you will," Farlan says, cutting him off before Levi can get a word in. "Come on."

Isabel and Farlan pull out bright red cards, tap them, and move through the turnstile. Levi stares at them until they realize he hasn't come through yet and the pair of them turn. "I don't have a ticket, dumbasses," he says.

One Million to One || Levi x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant