Later you will see...

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Well I'm tired of shopping with my bro. This is China where everything was born so I'm gonna go again shopping but Vikk I'm gonna go alone." I said as he awed and I got ready to go shopping. I got my purse and walked out the door.

I went shopping for more Pokemon things and some other clothes. I got myself a ton of youtubers clothes and I left the mall quickly. I parked at a Js store and I knew that they all loved Js so I thought to buy each one of them a pair of Js. I knew what they all like so I got them the shoes and I drove back home.

I stopped on a red light and I saw my minecraft skin and my YouTube account on top and something in Chinese about me. I took a picture and drove back home. I parked my car and quietly walked inside to see everyone in the living room. BINGO! I threw all of my things that I bought in my bag and I ran downstairs with bags of Js and ran in the middle of the room and clapped for attention.

"So I got you presents." I said as I threw a box with their name and they all opened it and gasped. JJ screamed like a little girl and hugged me and so did everyone else. It was like a huge group hug and I couldn't breathe.

"Do you want to go eat somewhere?" Lachlan asked me as I nodded and we walked out of the house and drove to a Chinese grill.

(After eating)

The guys were paying and I thought to go outside for fresh air. There was a tall guy in a black costume and he was looking at me.

"Hello? Do you need a ride back home?" He asked me as he got closer.

"No I'm fine I have my friends inside to take me home." I said as I started to worry.

"No let's go my car is down here." He said as he got closer but I tried to step away but I couldn't.

"No I'm fine." I said as I felt my voice shake a little.

"Let go now." He said as he came closer to me.

"She said no." Thank god the guys were right behind me, but the guy took my hand and put his hand over my mouth and he had something that smelled really good and I felt really dizzy and then black.

(Simons POV)

We walked outside to see a man coming closer to Roxy. We walked up behind her and I said, "she said no." She sighed in relief and the man grabbed her and knocked her out. I ran to Roxy while the other guys took down the guy and called the police.

I picked her up (bridal style) and took her to her car and I drove her back home. She looked really pale and then I saw her shirt all bloody. I pulled up her shirt to see her stabbed in her side. I pulled out the bloody knife and threw it on her lap. I took off my sweater and put it on her side and drove quickly to the hospital.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR!" I yelled as I ran in the hospital and some nurses and doctors take her to a room. I didn't text the guys about anything and I just waited for her.

(Later in the hospital)

I was sitting beside the sleeping Roxy and she was really pale. She is gonna be ok. I sighed and I couldn't hurt her anymore. I ran to the hospital bathroom and I pulled out a razor which I found in the hospital. I made ten cuts on each hand and I walked back in her room. She started to move and then her eyes flew open.

"Glad your back." I said as I didn't smile at her and she looked at me in confuse.

(Harry's POV)

I knew that Simon drove her to the hospital but I thought to wait for like thirty minutes before I follow him. I drove to the hospital and I asked to see Roxy and she was in the room D35. I went up the elevator and I saw Simon not in the room but Roxy was crying and sitting up on her bed.

The Pack in HawaiiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ