Chapter 4: PAX

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(Preston's POV)

As I heard some alarm, I felt something on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Roxy half asleep looking at her phone. She had red circles around hey eyes and she looked pretty tired. She looked up sat me and smiled.

"Good morning Preston" she said as she got up from the floor and went into the bathroom. I stood up still wearing my sweaty clothes from yesterday. I walked to my room which was right across from her room. I went and took a shower and got ready to go to PAX.

(Time skip after Preston gets ready)

I was wearing some jeans and one of Roxy's shirts which said 'oh my gaw' with Roxy looking at an ender dragon who is about to kill her. I also wore a blue beanie and some sport shoes. As I walked downstairs and I saw everyone down there eating breakfast. My favorite eggs with bacon.

"Wow I thought you died in there." Roxy said standing beside the backyard door. She was wearing one of my shirts and she wore the same exact blue beanie and almost same jeans with the same kind of shoes.

"You are a stalker!!!" She yelled as she pointed at me and made a face like she saw about to scream for help. Everyone started laughing and I saw that Jerome was laughing so hard that there was milk coming out of his nose which made everyone else laugh even more.

(Time skip till we get to PAX)

Before we could even get out of our cars we saw a ton of people just screaming and yelling stuff like 'I luv u' 'can we date?' 'Im your biggest fan' We got to park where there was no fans only guards who are checking if we are youtubers. We saw a lot of people like TC and CaptainSparklez and TryHardNinja. Those guys kept an eye on Roxy but I don't know why. We were holding hands because she was trying to make some guys leave her alone.

(Roxy's POV)

About an hour of just walking around looking at stuff, I went to the place where I have to be and I was just right beside The Pack and Sparklez and Ninja. There were a lot of people asking why I'm wearing this shirt with Preston on it but I just said watch my last video. Some people said that we look good together.

(Few hours later after signing all of the stuff)

It was my turn to go on stage and let people ask me questions. I saw The Pack sitting in the front seat talking to each other.

"Ok so hey guys and I can't believe she is actually at PAX but she made it here! The one and only ROXYPlayzMC!!!!!!! The crowd cheered as I walked toward a chair in the middle of the stage.
"Ok so do you want to tell the audience something before we start asking questions?" The man asked.

"Nah I just need to say thank you for making me reach over 25 million subs!!!" Everyone cheered and there was a huge line of kids standing in front of a microphone. "Ok go ahead."

"Umm... Why do you have Preston's shirt on?" The kid asked as I thought a great way to tell the audience.

"Well kid just telling you that Preston is my bf and he is wearing one of my shirts too." I looked at Preston and he smiled at me.

"So umm... What happened to your hair?" A girl about 13 with some nerd glasses stood looking at me.

"Well SOMEONE who is my brother MITCH tried to prank me and dyed my hair blue which is my favorite color and I kinda like it." I said as I saw Mitch looking at me look like he is gonna prank me again.

"So have you ever had a crush on someone else like maybe another youtuber or someone?" A guy about 15 years old with my shirt on.

"Sadly yes... I fell in love with YouTube which is not a person but you can still love it. Oh and I like your shirt!" I said which made the crowd laugh.

(1 hour later) <the spongebob narrator voice>

"Ok thank you guys for coming I'll see you later tomorrow and on YouTube." I stood up from the chair and walked toward the stairs from the stage. I saw a few texts from the pack to meet them at the cafe for only youtubers and I just walked towards it and saw them waiting for me.

"Hey you did a great job on the stage for your first time." Mitch said as I hit him in the chest with my fist.

"Oh wow your little sister is still stronger than you Mitch!!!" Rob yelled so everyone in the cafe could hear him.

"I hate you Rob." Mitch said as getting up from the ground.

"So why did you guys need me here?" I asked as they got closer to me.

"Why is Jordan and Ninja following you everywhere you go?" Lachlan asked really quiet so only we could hear.

"Well they saw me being surrounded by my fans in the airport and they were laughing at me but I didn't care." I said with all of the starting to laugh.

"It's a prank!!! They were watching you because they got dared to follow you around today." Vikk said with him taking out the camera.

"Those sons of bitches were dared to stalk me around at PAX. So I'm gonna go and tell them to stop because they won." They all nodded and stayed at the cafe while I went to their booth and they saw me and waved at me.

"Hey I know about the dare so you won so you don't have to follow me around." They high fived each other and I left their booth. I was bored so I thought to go to the shop and get gifts for me and The Pack since Christmas is coming and I could get them a ton of presents to pick from. I got a ton of books and some minecraft stuff like chains and clothes. Since PAX is gonna close in few minutes I'm gonna go to some shops and get the guys some gifts.

I got a ton more stuff and I checked it was only 6:30 pm so I sneaked in the house and ran to my room to get the presents ready. I locked the door and started to wrap presents. The only thing they forgot is that my birthday is tomorrow. I took my gift for myself which is a ton of books and crafting supplies for me which is packed in a HUGE box and had a birthday wrap around it. On top it said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROXY' so when I put this box outside of my bedroom door and see their reactions that its my bday. I will hide a camera beside my door so I could see their reactions to the box.

(Time skip till dinner)

Everyone was mostly tired and didn't talk so we thought to go watch one of the scary movies that me and Preston got. We watched halfway threw the Saw and all of the guys went to sleep. I was the last one to go to sleep so I waited like an hour until all of the guys are asleep. Before I went to sleep I put the huge present in front of my bedroom door and have the Happy Birthday Roxy sign so all of the guys will see this.

The Pack in HawaiiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ