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(Roxy's POV)

I woke up by someone yelling my name. I fell off my bed and landed on my face. I looked at the time and it was 10:42 am. Well I guess I overslept. I walked down the stairs to see the pack sitting in the living room. They looked kinda serious.

"Hey guys." I said as they all smiled but it faded in seconds.

"Roxy we were going for a walk yesterday and Tyler got drunk and he umm... cheated on you." Jerome said as my heart dropped. WHY ME!!!

"He didn't mean to tho but he said its alright if you don't want him back." Rob said.

"I do want him back but why does this happen to me like why me?!?!?!" I said/yelled and walked upstairs and locked myself in my room. I can't do this anymore! I went to my bathroom and took out my razor. One...two...three... I had so many cuts on my wrists and I just remember everything going black.

(Jerome's POV)

We were begging for her to open the door but we only heard a loud clash.

"CMON GUYS READY ONE TWO THREE!!!" I yelled as we broke the door and we saw Roxy on the floor passed out. She probably just had a stress pass out but Mitch just freaked out.

"We need to get her to the hospital! Now!" Lachlan picked up Roxy and he took her down the stairs. We drove really quick to the hospital and the doctors took her to a room.

(Later at the hospital)

All of us and team crafted was at the hospital as the doctors were looking at Roxy. doctors came out with a normal face.

"Roxy is ok but she needs to rest and does anyone is he brother?" Doctor said as Mitch raised his hand and he went to look at Roxy.

(Mitch's POV)

I went inside Roxy's room and she was looking at me.

"Hi..." She said as I hugged her and she looked tired.

"What did you do?" I said as she looked confused.

"Well I just passed out while I was cutting..." She said as she looked down at her wrists. They looked better and she has to take medicine to help it heal quicker.

She was really hurt really bad about Tyler. I ran out of the room to the waiting room. I saw Tyler and I picked him up and dropped him to the ground.

"You bitch made her cut again and YOU HURT HER!!" I yelled as I punched Tyler but I quickly got pulled away by the guys.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean any of this to happen." Tyler said as I calmed down and looked at my hands. Why did I turn to this monster after I met Tyler?

"You don't deserve my sister." I said as I went to Roxy's room and she was sitting on her bed and I took her wrist. "We have to leave now and we are good to go." I said as she nodded and walked beside me. I grabbed her hand and started to run.

"What is going on?" Roxy asked and I thought of what I'm doing right now. I'm taking my sister away.

"We are gonna be at our house where no one can find us." I said as she freaked out and broke my grip on her hand.

"I'm not going nowhere with you!" She said as she ran the other way to another exit. She was a lot faster than I was and I just stood running as I saw my sister running away from me.

"Bye sis..." I said as I started to cry and I felt someone touch my back.

"It's alright bro she will be fine but I promise you that she is not gonna leave us." Jerome said as he pulled me up and we walked toward the exit.

"I need to go talk to her by myself." Lachlan said as he left in his car and drove the otter way of our house.

(Lachlan's POV)

I was driving to laser tag as i thought to myself if I won't get her to come back home, I will need the guys help. I parked my car as I saw Roxy going inside. I tried to catch her but she went off to the arcade. She loves games like that so I got some tokens and walked inside the arcade.

I saw Roxy playing some games with her hood up so I walked to her and she slowly turned around.

"I don't trust him... Do you Lachlan?" She asked.

"I trust him but its hard to understand what is going on." I said as she looked at me with her purple eyes.

"Sorry if my eyes change color but I don't want to go back now." She said as she turned around and kept on playing the arcade.

"You have to tho. We are your family and Tyler didn't mean that to happen he was just really drunk." I said as she kept on playing the arcade like she didn't care.

"I know that Tyler is fine. I still love him even if he cheated on me for an accent." She said in her deep voice and she started to walk away from me. I grabbed her wrist which made her jump.

"Oh sorry, but listen if you will come back, we are not mad at you so if you don't want to come back its fine but remember we will never forget out best friend." I said as I started to walk away to the exit.

(Roxy's POV)

I want to go back but I don't want to be heartbroken. He said that they love me but I just don't want them around me. I love them as a family but I'm worried that if Tyler leaves me and I will be left alone and I will break. I looked at the arcades and back to Lachlan who was almost out the door. I needed my family but I want all this to end.

"Hey Lachlan..." I said really quiet but he turned around and looked at me. "I need a piggyback ride." I smiled and he ra toward me and picked me up on his back. I always loved the old Lachlan.

"So I guess your coming with me." He said as I nodded and got into his car.

"I'm scared that he will break my heart." I said as he looked at me.

"I knew that guys for a while and I know that you are the ones." He said as I smiled and we drove back home. It was about afternoon when we got back and all of the guys were in the living room but I didn't see Tyler.

I walked up the stairs and saw Tyler in my room.

"Hey..." I said as he turned around and smiled. I smiled back and we kissed.

"I'm so sorry about what happened last night." He said as I looked at him.

"You don't have to be sorry because it wasn't your fault and I understand." I said as we kissed again and I started to be very sleepy.

"Can you lay down with me for a little bit?" Tyler asked and he looked really tired too so we laid down on my bed and he wrapped his hands around me and we both fell asleep. INTO THE WORLD OF DREAMS!!!!

The Pack in HawaiiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora