Wake up you lier

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(Roxy's POV)

I woke up I front of my computer and someone at my door.

"Why did you wake me up you jerk?!" I yelled as I stood up and stretched.

"We need to go in 4 hours." Rob said as he opened my door and jumped on my bed.

"Where?" I asked because no one told me about this.

"We are going to a ski resort as we are gonna go around the world with the pack and the team is coming too." Rob said as I thought to mussel as I remember being in Olympics for skiing.

"I'm really good at skiing." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"How good?" I smiled and took out my huge first place trophy for skiing. "Ok then I guess you won but do you want to put that in the living room?" Rob asked as I nodded and took it downstairs. No one was there so I put it on the ground and ran upstairs.

"So I'm gonna pack so how long are we gonna be gone?" I asked.

"Well about 3 to 4 months. We will be going to Canada, Europe, Russia, India, and Boston. Well and we are going to Ireland and Amsterdam." Rob said as I took out my huge bag and thew some of my clothes which took only less than 1/4 of my bag.

"Done!" I yelled as he looked in my bag with shock.

"Why don't you bring to much clothes. Oh wait I forgot that you buy clothes there..." Rob said as he left my room and I kept on editing my video.

"I'm gonna need both of my laptops and all of my iPods and my books." I whispered to myself and I took both of my laptops and some of my iPods and some books. I grabbed some headphones and a comfy hat to bring on the plane.

"WE ARE GONNA LEAVE IN 10 MINUTES!!!!" Someone like Jerome yelled from downstairs as I took my bag and my backpack and walked downstairs.

"Why does the other guys have to come?" I whined as they rolled their eyes and Ty went to the living room. Oh no...

"OMG ROXY YOU WENT TO OLYMPICS?!?!!?!?" Ty yelled as all of the guys ran into the living room to see my trophy.

"Yeah I did and we should go if you don't want to miss our flight." I said as they moaned and grabbed their bags and put it in Jerome's truck. We took as less cars as we could so I rode in Mitch's car.

"So where are we going to a ski resort?" I asked as they smiled and looked at me.

"We are going to Canada and we are gonna stay there for 1 month and them we are flying to Ireland." Tyler said as I nodded and I sighed and sat back and put my head on Tyler's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"She is tired we played minecraft all night." Rob whispered to Tyler and he nodded and kissed my head.

"Why do you love her Tyler?" Rob whispered to him so Tyler could only hear him but I heard it too.

"She is cute, smart, nice, heartful, and she is the most perfect person I ever seen." Tyler whispered as I blushed and fell asleep.

"Wake up we need to go." Tyler shook me and I woke up as I jumped out of the car and grabbed my bag from Jerome.

"Well someone is happy." Jerome said as some of us laughed and waked inside of the airport.

"No I just want to sleep on the plane flight since we are gonna fly for like 8 hours." I said as I yawned and put my bag on a weight scale and sat down to wait for the guys.

"So are you ready for this?" Tyler asked as I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

"Yeah but I just haven't rode my skies in a while. I said as I was the guys walk toward us.

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