Clinging before he leaves

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"Are we still on for thanksgiving at yours?" Mal questions from beside me at the lunch table.
"Of course, it's tradition" she smiles genuinely and I love the sight because her usual attitude has been replaced. "I wish I could join you guys" Kim pouts from the other side of Mal because unlike me and the Evan's twins she has a family to spend holidays with.

"I don't blame you, Iris' cooking is to die for..and the company is alright too"
"My cooking is not that good-"
"Yes it is" I flinch backwards when everyone-even the boys who I thought were engaged in another conversation-correct me with a firm yell.
"Jesus" i whisper to myself causing them all to chuckle while I shrink back into my seat.

"At least your mom isn't forcing you to crotchet with your grandma" Aidan complains.
"Can you make me a hat?!" Malcolm requests all too excited. "You've already got five"
"I want seven"
"Why so many?" Aidan rubs his head like the answer he hasn't even received yet, is already annoying him.

"One for every colour of the rainbow obviously" a grin lifts my lips at the answer. "Of course that's the reason" Aidan rolls his eyes. "Can you make me a scarf?" Kim asks and she received a much nicer response with less rolling of eyes.
"Sure I mean you'll all be receiving something knitted for Christmas since I'll have enough time to make a whole damn wardrobe worth of clothes" the boys look less than impressed but I'm not too opposed to the idea.

"Great" Jake's sarcasm is quiet but heard by all.
"Keep complaining and I'll go tell Carla how much you miss her" my ears perk up at the mention of my new friend and more specifically the crush my other friend has on her.
"You like Carla?" Jake punches Aidan in the gut with a fuming look before he turns to me.

"No" his nose twitched, that liar.
"Oh my god you do" I accuse and I swear on my life his cheeks turned pink. "I do not" he shifts in his seat like he's uncomfortable with the turn in conversation. "You should set them up on a date" Kim suggests. "She'd runaway after one glance at him" Elias jokes and i elbow him in the gut.

"Like I did when I saw you?" I raise an eyebrow and he clears his throat, cowering under my glare. "Whipped fucker" Malcolm mumbles through a cough much to the other boys amusement. "You'd be a good pair but-"
"I don't like her" he cuts me off and my eyes narrow on his nose that twitches again but I raise my hands in surrender.

"Fine cause I'd kill you if you ever hurt her and the same goes for her with you" i sink back into Elias' arm that's safely cloaking my shoulders. "So is everyone still coming to our house for friendsgiving the day after thanksgiving?" Mal queries and a round of agreements circles the table. Ah yes, friendsgiving, another one of our traditions. We all congregate at the Evan's house for pizza and beer to have our own little version of thanksgiving.

"I might be there later on" Elias chimes in.
"Are you flying home on your own the next day?"
"Yeah my parents want to stay for an extra night but five days i enough for me" five days. He's leaving for five days and it's going to be the longest we've been apart since he moved schools and upturned my life as it was. He barely makes it a few hours without seeing me or making me FaceTime him, god help us after five days.

"You must be excited to see your family" Kim speaks, "yeah definitely but-"
"But he'll be without his baby for soo long" Mal smirks as she makes fun of me and I flick her off.
"Don't be jealous Mal I'll miss you too" my boyfriend smirks, kissing my forehead as I grin too. "Yeah right I'll be glad you're gone cause I'll have my friend back without you impeding on our girl time" she glares at my boyfriend with no real bad feelings supposed to be perceived.

"Come on back me up Kim, you love when us boys join your girl time" we look to tiny who shakes her head. "You always eat all of our food" she complains with a cuteness that makes it impossible to argue with her.

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