"Umm.. yeah! Yeah I'm not exactly a social bird, actually! "  she said, sitting up a little, suddenly feeling a little conscious under the gaze of a pretty girl.

"Yeah, I get that nerdy vibe, No wonder why you're a doctor!"

Okay! That's offensive! One thing about humans is when they call themselves various names it's okay, but when someone else does the same it's offensive. Don't exactly know why!

So Kath felt offended! despite the fact she herself considered her a nerd. But still nobody had the business to call that in her face, especially a stranger. No matter how gorgeous that stranger might be!

Kath frowned, she frowned hard! The stranger was looking at her intently, so that didn't go unnoticed by her.

"It seems, I may have offended you!" she said.

Without missing a beat, "Yes, you did!"

The stranger laughed, seemingly unbothered by Kath's outburst.  See! This is why Kath didn't like this kinda gathering. If she stayed at home, she didn't have to deal with all of this.

"I didn't mean to offend you Doc.! You're beautiful, I just wanted to catch your attention.." She confessed truthfully which seemed to work but only a little, If the red tint on Kath's cheek was anything to go by. But luckily no one could see that in the dimly lighted bar.

"Well, that you certainly did!" Kath mumbled.

She smiled, "Well, I'm sorry, Doc.! I really didn't mean to offend you. I know being a doctor is a tough job. You have to work really hard to save others lives."

Well, That amended Kath's heart a bit. "Hmm.."  Kath  isn't  much of talker.

"Are you a cardiologist? Because my heart seems to have some problems functioning!"

Was that a pick up line?? Seriously?

Kath gave her a look and the stranger laughed , "That was a bad one. And to answer literally, no. I'm not a cardiologist, actually not even a complete doctor yet, I'm just an...."

"An Intern, I know!" She finished for Kath.

"How do you even...??" Kath asked,

"Know that?" She once again finished the sentence for Kath.

Seriously, how did this stranger even know that she's in the medical field? Is she a stalker or something?

But before Kath could think of another possibly worst scenarios, the girl spoke up again,

"No, I am not a stalker, Doc. Chill!! The friend of yours is talking about herself and her friends with that guy, giving away much more information than necessary!" She pointed at Irin who was now dancing with a guy.

"I even know your name, Katherine." Kath sighed. Irin always talks more than necessary. Now this girl even knew her name while she didn't know anything about her!

"My name is Sam by the way! In case you're wondering!"

"Sam! Only Sam?" Kath wondered

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