Chapter 5 (OLD)

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A black shadow figure appeared in my sight for a long time, the small voice that I couldn't hear slowly became bigger and clearer, the figure slowly approached me and it seemed like he was trying to talk to me.

The figure looks like a man.

Why is he approaching me?,
Why do I feel comfortable and warm approaching him?

The figure seemed to be shouting.




I fell off my bed and hit the floor hard.

'Wha- what was that-

'What was that strange dream?'

While muttering very quietly covering his mouth with trembling hands.

Looks like they haven't woken up yet.

I took a deep breath, and let it out.


Hearing the uncontrollable trembling of my voice, a mixed feeling of fear I have never felt in my life, which made the hairs on the back of my arms stand on end, and my body trembled in fear too.

'What was that?, the dream was very unclear, and very strange...'

'Why do I feel guilty?'

'Why do I feel sad about that unknown figure?'

'I don't know what happened..'

My mind is having a hard time thinking about it, it felt like my mind was splitting in two.


'My head hurts so much- ouch!-'

'Drip!, Drip!-'


Suddenly a sound like water slowly sounded, I could feel that something was coming out of my nose.

I immediately wiped it quickly with a tissue that I took on the drawer shelf.

But the blood continued to come out slowly without stopping.

'Drip... Drip... Drip...'


I gasped uncontrollably, the sound of my heart beating very fast for a long time.

'Lub- dub!,Lub- dub!,Lub- dub!'

I put my right hand to my forehead and suddenly I felt my body temperature increase to become very hot

Did I have a fever because of that strange dream? Or was it just a coincidence?


Thinking about that makes me even more dizzy.

I could feel my body temperature rising and felt my entire body very wet because I was sweating a lot, my face suddenly started to pale and red, and my eyes looked very tired.

I slowly returned to the bed by crawling slowly, and climbed onto the bed with all my strength.

'HEUP!-, HAH!-'

I breathed a sigh of relief.

'Agrrrhhhh... my head..'

While scratching my head.

Slowly I felt a very heavy burden on my body, it felt like I was being forced to close my eyes to fall asleep.

'No... i cant close it now..'

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