VOLUME 13 Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth rested her chin on her palm. Looking visibly impressed.

"My Lord... do you know why they hate Vampires so much? Even though Deus Vrax had a Vampire Noble in his party?"

"It was about that Great Library thing right...? Seems that they are more angry about that than any violations of the Human body."

"I am surprised that's the only reason they've given... or would it be that's the only reason they could remember. But of course, My King and I did our best to keep Humanity in line. We learned from the Elves and made sure Humans could live as they wish. Just that it's embedded in your souls to rebel. To now serve them? What makes you think he doesn't have a plan set to trap not one, but two Vampire Nobles?"

"But Elizabeth, he was more than open to having met with you and Alana. I wouldn't even think there'd be enough people here to stop two Vampire Nobles. Seeing the Knights and grunts they have. They're not enough. Far too low in numbers to even make a dent on both of you."

"My Lord, you shouldn't trust these Bishops so openly though. They're far more corrupt than you'd think. Whatever his reasons are, I am sure he isn't doing this for the good of Seiness nor the Beastfolk. The Church is often a nation in of itself, with its own political leanings and separate objectives between the people in charge."

"Either way, we have an agreement. Just meet with him, if things don't pan out. Then we'll call it off. This is our best shot though at getting close to the problem. The Internal Bureau doesn't miss. It's thanks to them we got sent to Zavalda and stopped the Underworld's army from invading. We already found out the High Elves are involved, one way or another. All we have to do is to find the contact between the Opposition inside the Holy See and the High Elves." Taking a deep long breath, Alana relaxes her stiff posture. Letting her back hit the chair as she slides herself down a bit to let her legs stretch. "M'Lord, I am willing to go. I am curious about the involvement of the High Elves. That Morgan woman has also proven herself. Thus I'll believe in this."

"Hm. Morgan's standards are on a different level as you know. Just talking to her alone makes me wanna reorganize how I command my men."

"My Lord, you should also know that if the information given to us from the start is wrong, then our entire purpose here is but a waste of time and the Countess' status and title in jeopardy. She's one Vampire in a sea of Humans and Elves. Both have their own reasons to hate her."

"That's why if anything happens. Even if it's just a hint of an issue with her Vampirism, we'll pull the plug. Trevor wanted Bahamut only anyways. But we were busy with Zavalda and couldn't get his request done."

"I presume My Lord it's due to him wanting to use the Dragon as a mediation between the two?"

"I don't know. He didn't really specify but he wanted Bahamut to come here and help him. Now, we're the ones here and him, sent to the frontlines."

"Hmmmm..." Rubbing her forehead, the Queen stands up and stares at the newly arranged flowers outside of their living room window. "No. A single Dragon can't be enough to mediate between the sides in this conflict. Not unless he'd reveal that she's a Dragon God. But that'd be against the rules the UN set upon us." Jackson then relaxes himself while the Countess smiles, seeing Elizabeth back to her old self as she paces back and forth. It even annoyed Bahamut who kept her eyes locked on her.

"No... Perhaps he wanted one of Bahamut's abilities. Didn't you recall My Lord that last night, she was out mapping the tunnel system of the Elven Fortress underneath the city?"

"Ohhhhh... I see. Hm. She does have a lot of utility. Did Trevor plan to find out about a potential exit and entrance?" The Countess flicks her finger. "That could be it, M'Lord. This is the Elves we're talking about." Elizabeth then sits back down, professionally crossing her legs as she rests her elbow on the wooden table. "Both of you are correct. These Fortresses had sigils from what I recall. The Elves wouldn't be dumb enough to trap themselves."

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