Chapter 3:

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As we continued talking while we ate Damon walked into the kitchen ad sat beside me.

"Did you see anyone come into the room last night?" he asked in a stern voice.

"No, just you around three in the morning. You walked in the bedroom door and straight to the bathroom. I was too tired to get up, so I just rolled over and went back to sleep thinking you would come to bed when you was done." I said before picking up my orange juice and drinking it.

"I didn't come back into the room last night. I stayed in my study all night. Someone was in our room while you was asleep?" he growled out through clenched teeth.

I looked at him in shock. If it wasn't him that came in then who was it? The thought of someone walking right past me in bed had me shaking. They could've killed me, slit my throat like they did that poor guard and no one would've been there to stop it. A chill ran through my body making me shudder. Damon reached out to comfort me before pulling his hand back midway and walking out of the room.

Sarah looked at me in shock then turned to look at him. If looks could kill, then he would've dropped dead on the floor right there. Why was he acting this way towards me? Did I do something wrong?

Sarah looked at me with sympathetic eyes, grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's going to be okay. He's just being an asshole because he wasn't there to protect you. Doesn't give him the right to act this way towards you regardless. This is exactly why I don't fuck with men, bunch of dumb asses." She said irritated with how he was handling the situation.

"Maybe it's better if I move back home. He clearly doesn't want me here and whoever this is, is after me. He has a right to be mad at me, its my fault he lost a pack member." I said with my head down. We both knew I was right. Me being here put everyone in harms way.

"No, you're not going anywhere! You are safer here than you are there. None of this is your fault. Your mother warned you something was coming. It's our fault for assuming the danger had passed since its been so long. Everything will be fine. We will figure out who is doing this and put a stop to them." She said matter-of-factly.

"Until then, I think its best if I sleep somewhere else. Maybe a spare bedroom or something. I don't want to sleep in his bed alone." I said sadly feeling my heart break as I said it. So much for mates always sticking together and protecting each other. Right now, she didn't feel like she meant anything to him.

Going upstairs, she grabbed a few of her things from the bedroom and bathroom, then made her way down the hall to one of the spares. This wasn't how she wanted things to go but maybe giving him his space is what he needed right now and if that's the case she was happy to do it.

That night as she curled up in bed, she thought about what her mother had said. She had done everything she was told except be prepared for anything. Her mother told her that her mate would protect her, but instead he avoids being in the same room as her. She cried herself to sleep that night, wondering where she went wrong.

When she woke up, the sun was shining through the window. Her clock read seven in the morning, deciding to not let yesterday's issues get to her, she got up, got dressed and headed downstairs to go for a run. She didn't stray too far from the property, as she didn't feel safe, but it felt great to let her wolf out to breathe.

She took off running, dodging limbs and jumping over trees. Feeling the wind in her fur, as she headed back towards the house. She wasn't ready to end the run, but it was getting dark, and she didn't want to be out too late. Not long after she thought that something hit her hard from the side sending her flying in the air. She yelped in pain as her ribs connected with the tree. Shaking her head, she stood up in a fighting stance and growled, scanning the trees to find the source of the attack. Her hair was standing up on her back, her senses screaming danger, but she didn't see or hear anything. Deciding not to stick around she took off as fast as she could towards the house. Jumping across the tree line and shifting mid-air before running into the house. Her ribs hurt with every breath she took, lifting her shirt she looked down the find her entire right side bruised. Sarah entered the room as she was pulling her shirt down, and she tried to jerk it down quickly, but not quick enough. Sarah came marching over towards her, grabbed her shirt and jerked it up. Her eyes grew wide when she seen the shape her side was in.

"Oh my god Luce, what happened?" she said running her hand over the skin and feeling the scratches.

"Nothing. I uh fell." She stumbled out.

"You fell? Bull shit! You suck at lying, what happened?" she said crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her foot.

"Okay, but you have to promise not to say anything. Promise?" I said urgently.


"I went for a run, and as I was on my way back something or someone attacked me. They hit me hard from the side, throwing me into the air, slamming me into a tree. I didn't see who it was. They was too fast." I stumbled out as quickly as I could so no one would hear.

"What the hell were you doing out for a run by yourself? You know its not safe! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" she yelled throwing her arms up in the air.

"No, my wolf needed to be let out. She was going stir crazy. Damon doesn't run with me anymore, and I needed to get out. It's been 3 days since I've seen him or talked to him." I said with my head down. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes before coming to my side, putting one arm over her shoulders and helping me upstairs.

"Okay, lets get you cleaned up and in bed. You need to rest so your body can heal. Should be good as new within a day or 2. As for Damon, I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He's the biggest prick I have ever seen. Towards everyone. Like some kind of prick switch flipped in his head or something. No one wants to be around him, and he is pushing people to their breaking point in training. So, it's not just you he's being different towards." She said as she helped me change my clothes and get into bed.

"Thank you. I don't know if I could've done it on my own." I said giving her a nervous laugh.

"You're welcome. I'll be back later to check on you, try to rest." She said as she left the room, closing the door behind her. 

Destined Luna (Book 2 in the Hidden Luna series)Where stories live. Discover now