Chapter 7:

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I woke up on a cold hard floor, the smell of death surrounding me. The room was pitch black, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face and it was freezing. I crawled around, feeling the ground with my hands. I was on a concrete floor, there was what felt like a sheet in a pile beside me. Searching the floor with my hands I finally found a wall, concrete as well which would explain why it was freezing in here. I felt my way around the walls when I came upon what felt like cold metal, searching for a doorknob I came up with nothing. It was definitely a metal door but where was the handle. I listened trying to see if I could hear anything to figure out where I was, but it was completely silent aside from the dripping of water. I sat back down and tried to reach Damon through the link but couldn't find him. No surprise there, he's had me shut out for weeks now. He probably didn't even know I was missing.

I tried to remember how I got here but all I could remember was throwing water on my face while Sarah went down for more wine before everything went black. Sarah, oh my god I hope she's okay! I thought to myself as I sat curled up in the corner. Grabbing the thin sheet, I tried to cover myself to get warm, but it was no use. The sheet wasn't big enough to cover me completely, my feet hanging out from the bottom. It was so cold my feet ached. All I could do was hope and pray that Sarah was okay and had told someone I was missing. Praying they would find me before it was too late, I dozed off.

It had been what felt like weeks since I had been down here, but I knew it was only days. I was so hungry, my stomach no longer growled but ached and spasmed. I hadn't seen or heard anyone since I woke up here that first day. My mouth was so dry it felt like sandpaper, no longer producing saliva. I tried every day to reach out to Damon through the link, but nothing ever happened. I would give anything to be able to just hear him again. Whoever put me here, never came back, my body was exhausted, having no food to give me energy, I tried to fight to stay awake, but the darkness always won and pulled me into a deep sleep. When I awoke, there was a biscuit and some water sitting in front of the door. Whoever had taken me, finally decided to feed me. I didn't waste anytime and scarfed down the stale biscuit, there was enough water for a few sips, but something was better than nothing. My stomach rolled, and sharp pains shot through me as the first little bit of food I had in weeks finally hit my stomach. It wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger or the thirst, but I was grateful for anything at this point. I could no longer hear or feel my wolf, which terrified me. I knew she was weak like I was from being starved and prayed she could hold on until we got out of here. I couldn't lose her too like I had lost Damon. I wouldn't survive.

Two weeks passed before a routine was set. I learned that whoever took me, only came every three days when I was too weak to stay awake and would leave me just enough food and water that I didn't die. I never saw them or heard them say anything. Today would be day three, they would be coming today, if I could just stay awake long enough to see them, I would know who was responsible for this. Maybe I could master enough strength to try and fight them so I could escape. 

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