Chapter 10:

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When a rain drop fell on my cheek, I looked up to the now darkening sky. The wind was picking up, waves hit the shore harder, the wind roared as it blew harder, throwing sand and leaves everywhere. I went to run back to the tiki area but it was gone, no sign of it ever being there. The sky grew darker, lightening flashing across the sky, as the rain began to pour. I ran to the tree line, trying to escape the storm, but where the opening should've been there was a bright light. The storm behind me picked up, hitting harder and turning the once beautiful beach into a sand storm. Having no other choice, I ran into the light, and opened my eyes to a blurry white ceiling. I was laying on a bed, I could hear a steady beeping noise. Blinking my eyes to clear them, the room started to come into focus. I was in a hospital room, the beeping was coming from the machines that were hooked up to me. I went to move and pain shot through my body, making me cry out. A sudden movement caught my eye making me jerk to the area it came from. There in a chair beside me was Damon, hair wild, beard long and bushy, with eyes wide open starring into my soul.

We stayed like that for a minute, unable to look away from each other. I had missed him so much, seeing him made my heart skip a beat.

"You're awake." He said still in shock, reaching his hand out towards me slowly.

I didn't know what to say, or if I even could say anything. My mouth felt like it was glued shut. So, all I did was slowly nod my head.

"Thank the goddess, you're awake. I was afraid I would never see you again. That you wouldn't come back to me. I am so sorry Luce; I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry for everything." He said with tears running down his face, as he lowered his head to my hand and kissed every knuckle. I slowly moved my other hand and placed it on his head, running my fingers through his long black hair that I love so much. I didn't care how much it hurt to move; it was worth it all just to be able to feel him again.

When he looked up at me, I pointed towards the cup of water on the stand beside my bed. Handing it to me, I took slow sips, the water soothing my scratchy throat and dry mouth. Handing it back to him, I cleared my throat before trying once again to speak. My voice was low, and scratchy, more of a whisper than anything.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked slowly, pressing my hand to my throat as I did.

"2 months. You've been in a coma for 2 months." He said with a sigh.

"2 months? What happened to Aaron? Did you catch him?"

"Aaron? Who is Aaron? Is that the guy who kidnapped you?"

"Aaron. The guard you assigned to me that day we found the body in the yard. The guard who kept watch outside my door." I said trying to explain who I was talking about. But he looked at me with confusion.

"There is no guard named Aaron love. I never assigned any guard to you, I just had one take you back to your room that one night and keep watch." He said calmly like he was afraid any sudden movements would push me over the edge.

"What?! He said his name was Aaron. He's been my guard since everything started. I don't understand." I said, my anxiety rising at the thought of the guy responsible for this getting away.

"There was no one there when we found you. Just you. But we will find them, I swear to you and when we do I will kill him with my bare hands." he growled out.

"He was my guard. Someone must've seen him. Sarah! She seen him, she said he left the night you slept in your study!" I said, hoping she remembered him.

"Okay, let me call her and get her down here. She's going to want to be here now that you're awake." He said getting up and heading for the door.

When he came back in Sarah was with him. She ran to my side, about knocking him over to get to me. She had tears running down her face as she approached the bed.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she yelled before laying her head on my lap and putting her arm around me. I let tears roll down my face, I was so scared I wouldn't see any of them again.

"I'm sorry, I'll try not to get kidnapped and tortured again." I joked with a smile to try and lighten the mood.

"Sarah, do you remember a guard standing outside Luce's door at any time?" Damon asked as he sat down in the chair beside me.

"Not really, I mean just that one guy she called Aaron. I never seen him before though, figured he was a new guard. Why do you ask?" she said wit furrowed brows.

Damon and I looked at each other with defeat. If Sarah didn't recognize him then we were screwed. She worked with the guards more than Damon did.

"Because he is the guy that kidnapped me and tried to kill me. He said that he was avenging his father." I replied squeezing Damon's hand in comfort.

"Wait, avenging his father? That's what he told you." Damon said, suddenly more alert than he had been.

"Yeah, he said he was avenging his father and that by killing me it would weaken you, so he could kill you and take over as alpha."

Damon and Sarah exchanged a look. You could tell they was using the pack link to discuss whatever revelation they had just figured out.

"Uhm, hello? I'm right here." I said clearly annoyed that I was being left out of the conversation.

"Sorry, what we were saying is, we may have a hunch on who it could be, but it doesn't make sense. He's already a alpha and we signed a peace treaty." Damon replied as he rubbed the back of his neck, seeming confused.

"Wait, are you talking about Alpha Jackson's son who took over after your father killed his?" I said in shock.

"Possibly, but it doesn't make sense. He was the one who was willing to send some of his scouts to help find you. We've been in close contact since we both took over as Alpha." Damon said looking to Sarah to see what her opinion on the matter was.

"I don't know. You wouldn't think he would be involved in this Damon. He hated his father as much as the pack did. He was relieved when he passed." Sarah replied, not believing he had anything to do with this.

"Maybe you should contact him." I said, if anything he could give us some information on who he thought might was to retaliate.

"Yeah, I'm going to step out and make a call. See if I can get to the bottom of this." Damon said before leaving the room. 

Destined Luna (Book 2 in the Hidden Luna series)Where stories live. Discover now