Chapter 16:

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I tried to keep my footing, but everything was spinning again. I don't know how much blood I lost but it was enough. I laid down, rolling to my side and watched as my big bad alpha came running to me in wolf form. He was covered in blood, with it dripping down with snout. When he reached me, he shifted and dropped beside me. Hands covering my stomach where blood pouring out, he yelled for the Doc.

Due to blood loss, my body automatically shifted back to human form. The shift hurt worse than the first time.

"Hey." I said trying to hide the pain in my voice.

"Hey, you did so good love. So good." He said, giving me a weak smile. He had gashes all over him, some deep enough you could see bone. I couldn't understand how he was still standing. I knew he was in pain, could see it in his eyes, but he hid it and stayed strong for me. I kept my eyes on him while the doctor cleaned and dressed my wounds. He stitched me up, stopping the bleeding. When he was done our eyes locked, he looked at me with sad eyes. I knew why, the damage I had taken to my stomach and abdomen was too great., I had lost the baby. Tears welled up in my eyes, I would never get to know her/him, never get to hold them, or play with them. I looked to Damon, not sure how to tell him but knowing I had no other choice.

"Damon... I" but he stopped me before I could finish.

"Shh, it's okay." He said softly, rubbing the side of my cheek with his hand.

"No, you need to know... I was pregnant. I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry. I lost the baby." I said letting the tears roll down my face. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said with heartbreak in his eyes.

"I wanted to, but I was going to wait until after. You already had so much on your plate, I didn't want to add more."

"It's going to be okay." He said helping me stand up. The rest of the pack already gone and heading back to the village. I looked up at him and kissed him softly, earning a smile.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, coming from behind him. There was a rogue running full speed at him, I pushed him out of the way before he could make contact, the rogue attacking me instead, sinking its teeth into my neck as we hit the ground and clawing at my chest. The pain was gone in an instant, and I was floating out of my body up towards the sky. Looking down I seen the rogue dead and Damon holding my now lifeless body, begging me not to leave him.

But I couldn't. I would do it all again if it meant saving him, if only for a little while. Everything beneath me disappeared, replaced by clouds the clouds that became my new ground.

"I am so sorry. I wish I could've prevented it but it had to end this way. It was the only way." I heard my mother say from behind me.

I turned around to face her. For the first time she wasn't wearing a bright beautiful dress but instead a black one.

"I understand mother. You cannot change what is. But what was the point in all of this?"

"It is necessary for you to become what you were destined to be." She said as she walked towards me.

"What was I destined to be? Dead." I said in a sarcastic tone, rolling me eyes and folding my arms across my chest. 

"Come, it is time." She said walking into the sun.

I followed behind her, unsure of what was beyond the light but knowing that it wasn't over yet. I was destined to be with Damon for a reason, and my destiny wasn't finished yet. So I walked into the light, welcoming whatever was to come and knowing that in the end, I would be with him again. 

Destined Luna (Book 2 in the Hidden Luna series)Where stories live. Discover now