Chapter 27

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After 10 years,

'Micah, hurry up! We're gonna be late' Sophie yelled from downstairs while she still had the apron on and dish soap on one of her hands.

'Coming ma!' yelled the boy who was five. He was in his playroom, playing with Legos when he got the call from his mother. Sophie sighed since he knew that the boy would not come down on his own until she got him herself. So, she washed her hands, put down the apron, and went upstairs, only for her to find the room empty.

She looked around and saw the boy hiding behind the curtain, she understood everything and said 'Oh no, Micah is not here, I guess then Daddy and I will have to go alone and eat ice cream.'

'No, I'm coming with you' he protested as he came out of the curtain, she smiled at him and immediately put him on her hip but not before giving him a small kiss on his cheeks. 'I know sweetie' she said before taking him to his room.

She got herself and her son ready for the wedding. Soon, the horn honked at their driveaway, it was Parker. He rushed into the house, 'Are you guys ready?' he asked as he was suited in a black suit with a flower sewn on his shirt.

'Yeah, we are.' Sophie said as she walked down the stairs in a long-cut-sleeved dress of wine red. While one of her hands was on the railing, the other one was holding her son, who was looking dashing in his blue suit, almost giving competition to his parents.

'Daddy!' said the boy as he came running down the stairs who ran straight into his father's arms, who picked him up in an instant. 'Hey, there bud and my look at this dashing gentleman.' The boy blushed at the remarks of his father. Sophie too came downstairs and then all of them left for the wedding.

The arrival of the groom's brother was no less than perfect. Parker and Sophie were the altar was beautifully decorated with white roses and the guests were already seated at their places. Sophie sat in her place while the groom and the bride started walking down one by one and so did the best man and others.

It was Dalton and Camille's wedding, they dated for almost 5 years before deciding to tie the knot and they were also there at the birth of their nephew, the couple adored him so much that they decided to make him the ring bearer. Soon the call was made for the ring bearer and then came the little boy with small steps, making everyone in awe at the sight of the boy trying to hold onto the job which was given by his parents.

He was trying to look serious and almost made it to the altar, until he almost tripped but was caught by his mother, making the crowd gasp at the thought of the boy falling. 'Easy there, sweetpea.' She said and helped him get up the stairs and to the bride and groom.

'Hey bud!' Dalton said with a cheerful tone, he raised his hand for a high-fi which the boy hit back with all his strength. He was happier than anyone else, seeing his favorite uncle and aunt dressed in really beautiful attires. Then, the ceremony began and everything went well.

Soon, the time for dance began and everybody was vibing at the beats of the music being played, their bodies were moving in the rhythm. The entire atmosphere of the hall was filled with joy.

The couple was dancing while the groom was holding his nephew in his arms and they all were enjoying; Sophie was also dancing along with Parker. Parker took a look around and thought to himself how far he had come, how far everyone had come. There once was a time when even imagined that he would ever get over Micah's death but now look at him, he chose the higher road by forgiving his killer and ever since that he had never ever been happier.

In that crowd, Mikey was also there who decided to pursue his artistic skills and was now an interior decorator. He was making good money, but even after everything, he couldn't thank the Skimmers brothers enough for all that they did for him in his darkest hour.

Once the wedding was over and after the couple went to their honeymoon to France. Parker picked up Micah, who was sleeping peacefully in his lap, since he was tired after throwing all those dance moves. It was almost 5 now.

'Shall we go?' asked Sophie

'Yeah, let's go' Parker replied, as he carefully picked up the boy, ensuring that his sleep won't be disturbed. Once in the car and on their way to the home, Paker spoke, 'There is one thing that I need to do before we go home.'

Sophie didn't ask anything since she knew what he was going to do. The car was parked in front of the cemetery, Parker walked to Micah's grave. 'You know Dalton got married today and uh, your nephew became the ring bearer.' He said as he wiped his nose.

'If you could be here today, you could see how bright his smile is, how he makes everyone around happy, just like you used to do' he said as a few tears rolled down his eyes.

'Anyways, We.. I miss you.'

With that, he decided to walk out of the cemetery until he was met with a familiar face on his way out. It was Calvin.

Both of them just stared at each other but did not say a single word, since this was one of the many encounters that they had. 'Congratulations on your brother getting married' Calvin said.

Parker didn't reply but just left in silence. Calvin was holding some flowers in his hands; he took them to Micah's grave where he left them while sitting there with his back on his tombstone.

'I heard that your brother got married today so, congratulations on that. You know today I saved another life, and you should have taken a look at his family, they were so happy when I gave them the news.' He chuckled.

'I miss you, Micah.' He said as he just sat there alone in silence.

Calvin too turned around his life ever since he got that offer from the director of the medical facility, he worked twice as hard to become a doctor in general surgery and the motivation for this was his guilt because he wanted to compensate for the life he took by his hands, those hands who earlier killed someone were now being used for saving lives. His past didn't justify what he was instead, he was a famous doctor who was known for doing almost the impossible and saving many lives.

He worked in that medical facility for 2 years while he was studying and got a great deal of learning in medicines and when he passed his entrance exam, he was placed in a good hospital for his residency program, by referral of that director, he was no less than an angel for him. From then onwards, he kept on working hard until he mastered neuroscience and his work is constantly towards improving the lives of the people who were destroyed by drugs.

The obsessed lover who was known for killing was now the one who was known for saving lives. On the other hand, Parker who once thought that he couldn't get over his brother's death, didn't just move on but almost has been living a happy life.

This too could be said for ourselves, when tragedy strikes we think that we can't survive it, but we don't just survive we persevere, despite how hard we fall isn't that what is the meaning of life?

The End.  

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