Chapter 15

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Micah's POV

" Mr. Skimmers I apologise for what happened to your brother but we can't do anything. " Our Principal, Mr. Harrington said with a huge sigh.

For the past hour, Parker was explaining him about what happened and that they should take strict action to it, much to our dismay the Principal had other important matters in his hands. Even the video wasn't enough because they said that it didn't happen in the school, so they can't take any action against it.

Parker sat back and groaned in annoyance. " Fine! But can you atleast make sure he doesn't face any bullying from other students? " Parker pleaded.

He nodded. " Don't worry about that Mr. Skimmers now, if you please excuse me, can I have a moment with your brother? " He asked for Parker's permission.

Parker hesitated at first, looking at me for my answer. I slightly nodded and with that he left to wait outside.

" Mr. Skimmers, I know last night, things were really hard for you and I don't blame you. But do you mind telling me what were you doing between 1AM - 2AM ? " My principal asked me.

I looked at him in confusion," I was sleeping. May I ask why? "

He took a deep breath before spilling out some things," Last night, just like you, rather worse, your classmate Caleb Anderson was raped and - " I cut him off at this point " And you think I did it? "

His expression was enough for me to say. " I can't believe this. " I scoffed at him. " I am the victim here and yet you suspect me! "

" Look Mr. Skimmers you don't know the depth of this situation, Caleb Anderson's Parents have filed a police complaint regarding what happened last night and the police wanted to talk to you directly. I denied them because I wanted to you first and explain you the current situation and it's consequences. "

" Alright, if they wanna talk to me, they can, I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear of. " With that I stormed out of the room.

Parker was outside, when he saw me and the expression of annoyance, he decided to follow me instead questioning me.

Parker without any questions started the car and begin to drive. " Now do you wanna talk? " He cautiously asked me.

" They think that I had something to do with what happened to Caleb. " I said.

Parker cursed under his breath. " I know. I was pissed off to. " I said and then I told him what our Principal told us.

" Well, if it comes to that, we have nothing to hide. " He said and I nodded. I again checked my phone to see something from Calvin, still no message or a call.

I left him tonnes of messages and voicemails and yet no response. I was getting worried for him. He never did that before.

" Can you please drop me here? I have to go somewhere." I asked Parker.

" Where? " He asked. " I am going to Calvin's house. " I said and he thought for a moment before dropping me by the closest street.

" You sure you don't want me to drop you there by myself? " Parker asked again.

" No, I'm not a child. " I said as I opened the door.

" Call me if you need anything. " He said and nodded before walking away.

Calvin rarely talked about his family or even his house. Though I know where it is but he never wanted me to come into his house.

His house was by the end of the street with dried leaves spread all over his front area, the area seems to be like a barren land.

I gulped before walking at the front door and knocking. I heard some shuffling coming from inside, someone opened the door in annoyance.

A lady walked outside, with a cigarette between her lips and reeking of alcohol, the smell was so strong that I couldn't even stand her. " What do you want? " She said being totally uninterested.

" I am here to see Calvin. " I said, trying my best not to do anything stupid. She took a puff before saying " That ungrateful swine is in his room. "

I nodded while she stepped away for me to get into his house. It was so gloomy and there was nothing that will give you a glimpse of home. It was more like a place where emotions are rarely shown. No wonder why Calvin is the way he is.

That alcoholic, I mean his mother told me where his room was. I stepped into the cold house further, feeling cold, it was like that house never knew what love was.

Finally, I reached at his door and knocked it gently. " Come in!" I heard someone says grumpily.

I slowly opened the door and saw Calvin laying on his stomach with just his boxers on. His room was pretty damp.

Boy, if my room was like that Parker would have killed me at the first sight.

" Calvin. " I gently shake him. He turned his face to me and I saw a big bruise on his cheek. " Calvin. What happened? " I said in a worried tone.

" Nothing. " He said as he stood up from his place, turning away from me. " Calvin what happened? Please tell me. " I said as I grabbed him by his wrist, making him turn to me and look me in the eye.

He sighed. " My mum's boyfriend and I got into a fight last night. " No wonder why that lady was saying a lot of bullsh*t about him.

" By the way why weren't you answering any of my calls or messages. " I questioned.

" He broke my phone. " He said as he handed my his broken phone. " What happened? Is everything okay? " He asked me.

I took a sigh before telling him about what happened last night and I showed him the video and by its end, be had a similar reaction like Parker but his reaction was scariest.

" He did what? " He said as he stood up, flaunting his packs and boy, they look yummy.

Get a hold of yourself Micah! This is not the time! I told myself. " Calvin, it's okay. Everything's been taken care of now. Look." I showed him the video of Caleb getting f**ked.

" He deserves worse than this " he said as he pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, while placing his chin on the top of my head while my face was buried in his chest.

I just never want this to end but I wonder who would've done that to Caleb.

A/N:- Hey everyone,

A new chapter. Don't forget to tell me what you think about this chapter.

So, Calvin didn't do it then who did? Any guesses?

Wait for more drama in the next chapter *wink*


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