Chapter 23

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'Wake up, Jenns, your judgment day comes.' Said the guard as he knocked the bars of my cell, making a loud bang every time he hit the iron rod as more venom was spat from his mouth. I opened my eyes and as the light entered my eyes, it felt like someone was stabbing my eyes, and on top of this. his harsh voice wasn't a blessing. He was the nuisance that everyone tries to avoids in their lives. I was immune to his insults now, but the only thing that grabbed my attention was Judgement day. I wonder what he meant by that. What was this judgment day that he was so passionately talking about?

I groaned as I got up and prepared myself for this Judgement day. After the clock ticked at 1, two guards in their uniform came as they put me in handcuffs and I followed them. Now, it clicked into my mind that today was supposed to be the judgment of Micah's case. As they put me into the car, every memory of me and Micah flashed before my eyes. All those blissful moments that he and I spent, I will always cherish them. Even if that means taking them to my grave. I was ready for the death penalty. Soon the car rolled in front of the court, and I was taken outside. With two officers by my side and both holding each of my arms, I walked to my courtroom, where everybody was already seated, including Micah's brothers.

I looked at them and both had that same expression of hatred and anger but there was something different this time, someone was sitting in between them. A boy with almost the same figure as Micah's. He was anxious to look anywhere so he was looking at his lap. I was seated next to my lawyer which was provided by the state but I suppose it didn't matter now.

'Since Mr. Jenns is here, now we should proceed. Today this court has come to pass the verdict on the murder of Mr. Micah Skimmers, the court before making the judgment would like to hear the testimony of Dr. Patricia Walker who was in-charge of the counselling's ' The judge said and with that, the doctor walked to the stand and went on with the usual oath process.

'So, Miss Walker, what did one month told you about Mr. Jenns?' asked the judges.

'During my sessions, with Mr. Calvin Jenns told me a great deal of things about him such as his childhood trauma of always living in an abusive household, his parents and family abandoning him, and the love that he has or rather had for Micah. During my sessions, I could easily see what the problem was as he admitted the reason why he killed, it was to protect himself'

I could feel the entire room getting confused at her words, I didn't know where she was taking all this, I admitted my crime now why don't they just give me a death penalty or something like that, are they exaggerating things?

It was then that she continued. 'The traits that I saw in him, were all a sign of a mental illness that caused him to act on it. He was hallucinating to the point, where it led him to believe that the world was not right to live in, it was for this reason he killed his boyfriend and plans to kill himself as well so that they could meet in the afterworld. He showed various tendencies of suicide.'

'So, Miss Walker, in your medical expertise, his medical condition was the reason for him to kill Micah Skimmers?'

'I believe so, your honor. Plus the additional evidence that was provided by the family of Micah Skimmers additionally aided me in coming to this conclusion '

What additional evidence were they talking about? Why aren't they giving me the death penalty?

As my thoughts were running like a loose animal in my mind, a guy approached the judge with some documents in his hands which were in a plastic bag that had EVIDENCE written on it in bold red letters.

'Your honor, when we did some blood tests when he first arrived at the jail, we noticed a strange component mixed in his blood, we were unable to match it with any existing drug, so it was left like that until we received some news about what this might be.'

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